12–17 Oct 2015
Trieste - Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Resistive Strip Micromegas Tracker for CLAS12 Experiment

13 Oct 2015, 10:00
Oceania (Trieste - Italy)


Trieste - Italy

Congress Centre Stazione Marittima Molo Bersaglieri, 3 34123 Trieste Italy
Board: 10
Oral contribution New Developments in MPDGs Contributed talks


Dr Maxence Vandenbroucke (CEA Saclay)


The Micromegas vertex tracker (MVT) of the future Cebaf Large Acceptance Spectrometer for the 12 GeV (CLAS12) accelerator upgrade in Hall B at Jefferson Lab will be installed at the end of this year. The MVT consists of 2 cylindrical layers, 6 in the final phase, for the barrel part and 6 identical disks for the forward part. Micromegas bulk technology associated with resistive strips has been used. For the barrel detectors, the low material budget (0.33% of X0) offers a competitive alternative for central trackers with high-rate capabilities of the order 60kHz/strip. The MVT final design has been validated and its construction is in progress after R&D on light material mechanics, long coaxial cables and large input capacitance electronics. We will report on performance studies of both barrel and forward detectors using data taken from a cosmic ray test bench read out by the nominal electronics based on a new ASIC - Dream (Dead-timeless Readout Electronics ASIC for Micromegas). 2D efficiencies, time and spatial resolutions and operating parameters will be shown.

Primary author

Dr David Attié (CEA Saclay)


Mrs Caroline Lahonde-Hamdoun (CEA Saclay) Dr Franck Sabatié (CEA Saclay) Mr Frédéric Georges (CEA Saclay) Dr Jacques Ball (CEA Saclay) Mr Marc Riallot (CEA Saclay) Dr Maxence Vandenbroucke (CEA Saclay) Mr Olivier Meunier (CEA Saclay) Mr Rémi Granelli (CEA Saclay) Dr Sebastien Procureur (CEA-Saclay) Mr Stephan Aune (CEA Saclay) Mr Yassir Moudden (CEA Saclay)

Presentation materials