Oct 12 – 17, 2015
Trieste - Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Social Program

Social Program
A welcome lunch is offered on Monday 12 October at 13.00 at the Conference venue.

A seminar dedicated to the special relation between Trieste and coffee will be given on Monday 12 October evening by dr. Furio Fuggi Liverani from Illycaffè .

A concert performance will be offered to the Conference participants on Tuesday 13 October evening.

Wednesday 14 October afternoon is reserved for the Conference excursion: the historical town of Cividale will be visited by a guided tour. Cividale, situated on  the  river Natisone, which forms a picturesque ravine here, formerly an important regional power, is reach of historical sights, in particular related to the period of the Lombard Kingdom, VI-VIII centuries.

The Conference banquet is offered on Wednesday 14 October evening at the Restaurant La Subida at Cormons.