Maxim Titov
(CEA Saclay)
10/12/15, 2:30 PM
Craig Woody
(Brookhaven National Lab)
10/12/15, 3:10 PM
A prototype detector is being developed which combines the functions of a Time Projection Chamber for charged particle tracking and a Cherenkov detector for particle identification. The TPC consists of a 10x10x10 cm3 drift volume where the charge is drifted to a 10x10 cm2 triple GEM detector. The charge is measured on a readout plane consisting of 2x10 mm2 chevron pads which provide a spatial...
Study of the dE/dx resolution of a GEM Readout Chamber prototype for the upgrade of the ALICE TPC
Andreas Mathis
(Physik Department, Technische Universität München, 85748 Garching, Germany; Excellence Cluster ’Origin and Structure of the Universe’, 85748 Garching, Germany)
10/12/15, 3:35 PM
The ALICE Collaboration is planning a major upgrade of its central barrel detectors to be able to cope with the increased LHC luminosity beyond 2018. In order to record an increased interaction rate of 50 kHz for Pb−Pb collisions, the TPC will be operated in an ungated mode with continuous readout. This demands for a replacement of the currently used gated MWPC (Multi-Wire Proportional...
Jonathan Bortfeldt
(LMU University Munich)
10/12/15, 4:25 PM
In 2015 the first full size resistive-strip MicroMegas operational modules for the ATLAS New Small Wheel upgrade will be realized. The goal is to provide precision muon tracking with spatial resolution below 100 μm on trapezoidal detector areas between 2 and 3 m2. The overall thickness of each detector modules is about 70 mm and the total number of read-out channels is of the order of...
Brian Dorney
(European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN))
10/12/15, 4:50 PM
After 5 year of R&D on Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) technology, the CMS GEM Collaboration proposed to instrument the vacant high eta region of the CMS muon system with large triple-GEM detectors, a technology able to sustain the harsh environment at the High-Luminosity LHC while operating for 20 years. New large size (990 x 440-220 mm2) triple-foil GEM detectors were developed, equipped with...
Theodoros Geralis
(NCSR Demokritos)
10/12/15, 5:40 PM
Micromegas, a micro pattern gaseous detector, is proposed as an active medium for sampling calorimetry. Future linear collider experiments or the High Luminosity LHC experiments can profit from those developments for Particle Flow Calorimetry. Micromegas possesses remarkable properties concerning gain stability, reduced ion feedback, response linearity, adaptable sensitive element granularity,...
Furio Suggi Liverani
10/12/15, 6:15 PM
Gianluigi Cibinetto
10/13/15, 9:10 AM
Inner Trackers are key detectors in Particle Physics experiments; excellent spatial resolution, radiation transparency and hardness, and operability under high occupancies are main requirements. While planar Gas Electron Multiplier detectors are common in modern spectrometers, only one Cylindrical-GEMs detector has been produced up to now by the KLOE2 Collaboration and is being...
Edoardo Maria Farina
10/13/15, 9:35 AM
In view of the use of MicroMegas detectors for the upgrade of the ATLAS muon system, two detector quadruplets with an area of 0.5 m2 per plane serving as prototypes for future ATLAS chambers have been constructed. They are based on the resistive-strip technology and thus spark tolerant. The detectors were built in a modular way. The quadruplets consist of two double-sided readout panels and...
Maxence Vandenbroucke
(CEA Saclay)
10/13/15, 10:00 AM
The Micromegas vertex tracker (MVT) of the future Cebaf Large Acceptance Spectrometer for the 12 GeV (CLAS12) accelerator upgrade in Hall B at Jefferson Lab will be installed at the end of this year.
The MVT consists of 2 cylindrical layers, 6 in the final phase, for the barrel part and 6 identical disks for the forward part. Micromegas bulk technology associated with resistive strips has...
Jochen Kaminski
(University of Bonn)
10/13/15, 10:25 AM
The Linear Collider is a future accelerator colliding electrons and positrons at center of mass energies of 250-500 GeV. One of the detector concepts under study foresees a large volume TPC as a main tracking device. The LCTPC collaboration studies several different MPGD technologies which could fulfill the requirements of the ILC physics program. To test and compare the readout technologies,...
Felix Sefkow
10/13/15, 11:15 AM
Damien Neyret
(CEA Saclay IRFU/SPhN)
10/13/15, 11:55 AM
New large size Micromegas gaseous detectors (40x40 cm² active area) were developed since 2009 in view of the forthcoming COMPASS new physics programs starting this year, which uses the CERN high intensity muon and hadron beams of a few hundred GeV scattered on thick fixed targets. Compared to previous Micromegas installed in 2001-2002, the new detectors feature a huge reduction of the...
Status of GEM trackers for Super Bigbite Spectrometer in Hall A for 12 GeV CEBAF Upgrade at JLab
Kondo Gnanvo
(University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22903, USA)
10/13/15, 12:20 PM
The Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (CEBAF) of the Thomas Jefferson National Laboratory (JLab) has been upgraded to deliver 12 GeV high intensity beams. The upgrade will allow outstanding study of nucleon structure and structure functions in the valence quark region with an unprecedented accuracy. The Super Bigbite Spectrometer (SBS) combines a large acceptance detector package...
Alexander Deisting
(GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung)
10/13/15, 12:45 PM
After the Long Shutdown 2 (LS2) the LHC will provide lead-lead collisions at interaction rates as high as 50kHz. In order to cope with such conditions the ALICE Time Projection Chamber (TPC) needs to be upgraded.
After the upgrade the TPC will have to run in a continuous mode, but without any degradation of the momentum and dE/dx resolution compared to the performance of the present TPC....
Marco Cortesi
(National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (Michigan State University))
10/13/15, 2:10 PM
Oral contribution
In view of a possible application as a charge-particle track readout for an Active-Target Time Projection Chamber (AT-TPC), the properties of a hybrid Micro-Pattern Gaseous Detector (MPGD) were investigated in pure low-pressure Hydrogen (H2), Deuterium (D2) and Helium (He).
The detector consists of a MICROMesh GAseous Structure (MICROMEGAS) coupled to a single-, or double-cascade Thick...
Gabriele Croci
(MIB - Università di Milano-Bicocca)
10/13/15, 2:35 PM
New high count rate and large area detectors are needed for future spallation neutron sources. Indeed, the 3He-shortage limits the use of 3He tubes in present and future applications where large areas (several m2) and high efficiency (>50%) detectors are envisaged. In this framework, GEM (Gas Electron Multiplier) is one of the explored detector technologies. GEMs feature good spatial...
Emanuel Pollacco
10/13/15, 3:25 PM
Emanuel Pollacco1, H. Baba5, Pascal Baron1, Daniel Bazin4, Chiheb Belkhiria2, Bertram Blank2, Joël Chavas1, Eric Delagnes1, Frederic Druillole1, Patrick Hellmuth2, Cedric Huss2, Tadaaki Isobe5, Eugene Galyaev4, Bill Lynch4, Wolfgang Mittig4, Laurent Nalpas1, Jean-Louis Pedroza2, Riccardo Raabe3, Jérôme Pibernat2, Bruno Raine3, Abdel Rebii2, Shebli Anvar1, Frederic Saillant3, Patrick Sizun1,...
Craig Woody
(Brookhaven National Lab)
10/13/15, 3:50 PM
At large angles (typically greater than ~ 20 degrees), the resolution of conventional GEM tracking detectors deteriorates rapidly due to the increased charge spread along the track direction in the collection gap. In order to circumvent this problem, a minidrift GEM tracking detector has been developed that measures both the position and arrival time of the charge deposited in the drift gap,...
Barbara Alvarez Gonzalez
10/13/15, 3:50 PM
A resistive-MicroMegas quadruplet built at CERN, serving as prototype of the micromegas for the upgrade of the ATLAS muon system, has been installed at the new CERN Gamma Irradiation Facility (GIF++) with the aim of carrying out a long-term aging study.
The detector has four active layers about 0.5 m2 each equipped with 1024 read-out strip and sputtered resistive layer for spark protection. ...
Fabian Kuger
(CERN / University of Würzburg (Germay))
10/13/15, 3:50 PM
The development work carried out at CERN to push the MicroMegas technology to a new frontier is now coming to an end. The construction of the first anode (or read-out) boards for the upgrade of the ATLAS muon system will demonstrate in full-scale the feasibility of this ambitious project.
The read-out boards, representing the heart of the detector, are manufactured in industries, making the...
Atsuhiko Ochi
(Kobe University)
10/13/15, 3:50 PM
MicroMegas with resistive anode will be used for the NSW upgrade of the ATLAS experiment at LHC. The resistive electrode is one of key technology for MPGDs to prevent sparks. Large area resistive electrodes for the MM have been developed using two different technology; screen printing and carbon sputtering. Maximum size of each resistive foil is 45cm x 220cm with printed pattern of 425 micron...
Viktor Ratza
(Helmholtz-Institut für Strahlen- und Kernphysik, Germany)
10/13/15, 3:55 PM
In the context of the upgrade of the LHC during the second long shutdown the interaction rate of the ALICE experiment will be increased up to
50 kHz for Pb-Pb collisions. As a consequence, a continuous operation and read-out of the Time Projection Chamber (TPC) will be required.
To handle the expected increase of space-charge distortions without a gating grid, the ion backflow of the charge...
Marek Michael GRUCHALA
10/13/15, 3:55 PM
Gas electron multiplier (GEM) technology is being proposed for the forward muon upgrade of the CMS detector for the Phase 2 of the CERN LHC. The proposed prototypes for CMS upgrade, referred to as GE1/1 detectors, are large-area trapezoidal shaped detectors using three GEM-foils arranged in the 3/1/2/1mm gap configuration with 3072 radial readout strips segmented over 24 readout sectors in the...
Konstantinos Ntekas
(National Technical University of Athens)
10/13/15, 3:55 PM
Resistive Micromegas (Micro MEsh Gaseous Structure) detectors have proven along the years to be a reliable high rate capable detector technology characterised by an excellent spatial resolution. The ATLAS collaboration at LHC has chosen the resistive Micromegas technology, along with the small-strip Thin Gap Chambers (sTGC), for the high luminosity upgrade of the inner muon station in the...
Michael Tytgat
10/13/15, 3:55 PM
The CMS GEM collaboration plans to equip the very forward muon system with triple GEM detectors that can withstand the environment of the high-luminosity LHC. This project is at the final stages of R&D and moving to production. An unprecedented large area of several 100 qm are to be instrumented with GEM detectors which will be produced in six different sites around the world. A common...
Sharma Archana
(University of Wisconsin)
10/13/15, 3:55 PM
The new GE1/1 system of Gas Electron Multipliers (GEM) is going to be installed in the CMS detector in the forward region of 1.6 < |η| < 2.2 after the second long LHC shutdown. 36 super-chambers are planned to be installed in order to ensure the redundancy and robustness of the muon system in high-luminosity conditions at the LHC. A further extension of the GEM system is also considered. Every...
Philippe Gros
(LLR, Ecole Polytechnique)
10/13/15, 4:00 PM
Gamma-ray astronomy has become an important branch of astroparticle
physics. It now suffers from a sensitivity gap in the 1-100MeV range. Compton telescopes lose sensitivity above 1MeV, and pair production telescopes, due to multiple scattering, have low resolution and high background below a few 100MeV. HARPO proposes a gaseous detector, a TPC, to fill this gap and improve angular resolution...
João Veloso
(University of Aveiro)
10/13/15, 4:00 PM
Recent investigations with a gaseous avalanche micropatterned detector operating in Kr-Xe mixtures will be presented. The use of such mixtures allows to keep a minimal position resolution over a wide X-ray energy range [1]. Measurements and simulations of the gain, energy and position resolution variation according to the Xenon mixture concentration will be presented. Our first results using a...
Thorsten Lux
(ETH, Zurich)
10/13/15, 4:00 PM
A giant (10-50 kt) Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LAr-
TPC) has been proposed as the detector for an underground observa-
tory for the study of neutrino oscillations, neutrino astrophysics and proton decay. This detector has excellent tracking and calorimetric capabilities, much superior to currently operating neutrino detectors.
LBNO-DEMO (WA105) is a large demonstrator of the...
Megu Kubota
(RIKEN/Tokyo University of Science)
10/13/15, 4:00 PM
We have developed a gas electron multiplier (GEM) for the NASA small satellite mission, PRAXyS (Polarization from Relativistic Astrophysical X-ray Sources), which carries a photoelectron tracking type gas X-ray polarimeter using a time projection chamber technique. The GEM foil has a hole diameter of 70 um, hole pitch of 140 um, and insulator thickness of 100 um. We adopted a liquid crystal...
Christoph Krieger
(University of Bonn)
10/13/15, 4:00 PM
The CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST) is searching for axions and other particles which could be candidates for Dark Matter and even Dark Energy. These particles could be produced in the Sun and detected by a conversion into soft X-ray photons inside a strong magnetic field. This field is provided by a decommissioned LHC prototype dipole magnet accurately pointed towards the Sun. In order to...
Seongtae Park
10/13/15, 4:00 PM
Finding nonzero EDM (electric dipole moment) in a fundamental particle would signal strong CP violation and consequently it could explain matter and antimatter asymmetry in our universe. The storage ring proton Electric Dipole Moment (pEDM) experiment is one of the EDM searches using storage ring aiming sensitivity level of 10-29 e·cm per year. In the experiment, the stored polarized protons...
Kazuki Komiya
(Tokyo Metropolitan Industrial Technology Reserach Institute)
10/13/15, 4:10 PM
In general, the GEM electrode is based on an organic material such as Polyimide or Liquid Crystal Polymer. However, they cause making short circuit between electrodes by discharge, emitting a lot of gas in high temperature envelopment, and more expensive by a lot of manufacturing process. Therefore the electrode has not higher reliability and the GEM in a sealed chamber is still not appearing...
Sebastian White
(Princeton University)
10/13/15, 4:10 PM
There is a growing interest in applying timing measurement of physics objects (leptons, jets, photons) in the high pileup environment planned for the next decade at the LHC. Time of occurrence of events within the same bunch (“in-time pileup”) can be used analogously to the more commonly used “event vertex position” tagging to resolve events of interest in this busy environment. Extending to...
(NCSR Demokritos)
10/13/15, 4:10 PM
Micromegas is a well-known micro-pattern gaseous detector with excellent properties in operation stability, position resolution, fast response, low ion feedback (about 10%) and good energy resolution. It can be adapted to detect the full range of particle radiation like photons, x-rays, neutrons, charged particles, alphas, nuclei etc. Micromegas implementation is based on PCB manufacturing...
Vladyslav Krylov
(LAL - Orsay, T. Shevchenko National University - Kyiv)
10/13/15, 4:10 PM
Large area single-electron sensitive gaseous detector consisting of Micromegas/InGrid as gas multiplication device and integrated CMOS ASIC as a replacement of the conventional pad/strip readout, is a promising candidate for comprehensive tracking systems serving also the trigger for future HEP projects.
Challenges for the InGrid concept for TPC detector systems are the large number of...
Hiroyuki Sugiyama
(Hamamatsu Photonics K.K.)
10/13/15, 4:10 PM
A Micro-patterned gaseous detector (MPGD) is one of the most attractive and useful detector in various field. A Hole-type MPGD with glass capillary plate (CP) is the most promising detector to provide two-dimensional imaging capability with a good position resolution and highly reliable to discharge. CP gaseous detectors have been intensively studied for the purposes of X-ray radiography,...
Shuddha Shankar Dasgupta
10/13/15, 4:10 PM
A novel MPGD based architecture for single photon detection has been developed
to overcome the limitations of the present generation of gaseous single photon
detectors when large area coverage is needed (~ m2). It couples two different MicroPatternGasDetector
structures, the THickGasElectronMultiplier and the Micromegas, resulting in a hybrid
scheme able to exploit the properties and the...
Giovanni Bencivenni
10/13/15, 4:10 PM
In this work we present the micro-Resistive WELL (micro-RWELL): a compact spark-protected single amplification stage MPGD. The micro-RWELL is realized by merging a suitable etched GEM foil with the readout PCB plane coated with a resistive deposition. The copper on the bottom side of the foil has been patterned in order to create small metallic dots in correspondence of each WELL structure....
Ewa Kowalska-Strzęciwilk
10/13/15, 4:15 PM
This abstract is devoted to design and assembling of GEM detectors for plasma radiation application. In this work we will report the results of mounting of two triple-GEM detectors with different dimensions 100x100mm2 and 200x20mm2. A description of the assembling procedures including the gluing/stretching techniques and selection of materials is given in this work. Particular attention was...
Maryna Chernyshova
(Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion)
10/13/15, 4:15 PM
Tungsten, being a main candidate for the plasma facing material in ITER and future fusion reactor for some time [1], has recently started to be used as such on many machines, including on the WEST project, where an actively cooled tungsten divertor is being implemented. Inevitably, this forced a creation of the ITER-oriented research programs aiming to effectively monitor the impurity level of...
Simon Bouteille
10/13/15, 4:15 PM
The recent development concerning MPGDs, in particular with the work done by the R&D51 collaboration, makes us able to build large and robust detectors. These characteristics suit well the needs of a lot of applications which use the cosmic rays muons to make the tomography of large objects. However, these applications need the muon telescope to be run outside and with a low energy...
Filippo Resnati
10/13/15, 4:15 PM
ESS instruments like the macromolecular crystallography instrument NMX require an excellent neutron detection efficiency, high-rate capabilities, time resolution, and an unprecedented spatial resolution in the order of a few hundred micrometers over a wide angular range of the incoming neutrons. For these instruments solid converters in combination with Micro Pattern Gas Detectors (MPGDs) are...
Jianrong ZHOU
(Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS))
10/13/15, 4:15 PM
Abstract: With the international development of the new generation neutron source, the traditional neutron detector can't satisfy the demand of the application of the high flux especially. And facing the global crisis of 3He supply, the research on the new style of the neutron detector becomes extremely urgent. Considered with the development demand of the domestic neutron scattering facility...
Sebastien Procureur
10/13/15, 4:15 PM
The development of large and robust MPGDs has opened the door to a vast new field of applications. Among them, the detection of Special Nuclear Material (SNM) in goods transportation has the highest potential in terms of emerging market and mass production. Most of the current detection methods are based on artificial radiations (X-rays, gammas or neutrons), which all suffer from several...
Palma Rita Altieri
(Università degli Studi di Bari & INFN)
10/13/15, 4:20 PM
In recent years, a remarkable scientific and technological progress led to the construction of accelerators based facilities dedicated to hadrontherapy was done. This kind of technology requires precise and continuous control of position, intensity and shape of the ions or protons used to irradiate cancers. Patient safety, accelerator operation and dose delivery should be optimized by a real...
Bartosz Mindur
(AGH University of Science and Technology)
10/13/15, 4:20 PM
The basic principle of an X-ray imaging system based on a large area 10cm x 10cm GEM (Gas Electron Multiplier) detector equipped with 2-dimensional readout and its application to mapping of pigment distributions in historical paintings using X-ray fluorescence technique has been already demonstrated in our previous works. The key components of the developed system are: X-ray tube, adjustable...
Tomasz Czarski
(Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion)
10/13/15, 4:20 PM
The measurement system based on GEM - Gas Electron Multiplier detector is developed for X ray diagnostics of magnetic confinement tokamak plasmas. The fast and accurate mode of the serial data acquisition is applied for the dynamic plasma diagnostics. The ADC samples triggered by the detector current are acquired independently for the measurement channels. The charges are calculated within the...
Andrea Muraro
10/13/15, 4:20 PM
The fast neutron GEM detectors (nGEM), i.e. GEM detectors equipped with a cathode that also serves as neutron-proton converter foil, represent a new frontier of beam monitor devices in the new fast neutron beam lines in the spallation sources experiments, such as ChipIR at ISIS, or in the future fusion experiments such as the ITER neutral beam injector. The GEM detectors are particularly...
Emanuel Pollacco
10/13/15, 4:20 PM
Emanuel Pollacco, Denis Calvet, Anna Corsi,
Frederic Château, Alain Delbart, Jean-Marc Gheller, Alain Gillibert, Alexadre Obertelli, Clementine Santamaria.
IRFU, CEA Saclay , Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Rui d’Oiviera, Bertrand Mehl.
Antti Saastamoinen, Brian Roeder, Alexandra Spridon,
Grigory Rogachev, Ethan Uberseder, Yevgen Koshchiy, Robert Tribble.
João Veloso
(University of Aveiro)
10/13/15, 4:20 PM
Compton Cameras are being pointed as the instrument for far X and gamma-ray detection where the traditional Anger Cameras are inefficient. Moreover, these devices avoid the use of a heavy mechanical collimator responsible for a huge decrease of the photons that reach the Anger Camera crystal [1], [2].
Traditionally a Compton Camera is composed of solid state detectors (Si detector + Ge or NaI...
Fabian Kuger
(CERN / University of Würzburg (Germay))
10/13/15, 4:25 PM
In the MicroMegas detectors currently under construction for the ATLAS New Small Wheel (NSW) upgrade, the conversion region is limited to 5mm thickness. The number of primary ionization-clusters induced by a passing muon is about 10-15, with a few electrons each. The accuracy of the µTPC reconstruction method relies on the single cluster positions. Consequentially high electron losses during...
Yunus KAYA
(Uludag University)
10/13/15, 4:25 PM
How does water modify the surface conductivity of graphene?
The hope is that the GEM lets electrons through but not ions. As a result, there would be no space charge due to ions drifting from their production point to the drift volume. Therefore, graphene can be use in GEM detectors.
Graphene is an allotrope of carbon in the form of a two-dimensional, atomic-scale, hexagonal lattice in...
Tadeusz Kowalski
(AGH, University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland)
10/13/15, 4:25 PM
The ternary gas mixtures of Ne + CO2 + N2 is used in TPC, in the main tracking detector of ALICE at LHC accelerator. This mixture has a small diffusion constants, small thickness, reasonable value of electron drift velocity, small multiple scattering. A small addition of N2 increases the electron drift velocity and reduces the micro-sparking.
In this mixtures, besides the direct ionization,...
Yunus KAYA
(Uludag University)
10/13/15, 4:25 PM
In recent decades, quantum chemistry calculations have been used for various chemical fields such as reaction pathway analysis and spectroscopic assignments due to the theoretical developments, especially accuracy improvement of functionals in density functional theory (DFT), and high-speed parallel computers.
The kinetic studies of formation Xe+Xe cluster in Xe, Ar+Ar cluster in Ar, and...
João Veloso
(University of Aveiro)
10/13/15, 4:25 PM
CsI photocathodes coupled to Gaseous Photomultipliers have long been used in experiments and applications due to their high gains, fast response and coverage of large areas of detection at reasonable costs [1, 2]. In the future, experiments based on rare event detection, namely Dark Matter [3, 4] and Double Beta Decay [5] research, are faced with the problem of the prohibitive costs of the use...
Dimos Sampsonidis Sampsonidis
(Aristotle University ofThessaloniki)
10/13/15, 4:25 PM
Resistive Micromegas (Micro MEsh Gaseous Structure) detectors have been chosen by the ATLAS collaboration at LHC for the high luminosity upgrade due to their capability to maintain full efficiency and high spatial resolution at high rates. Operation in the Inner Muon Station of the high-rapidity region, the so called New Small Wheel (NSW) requires also these performances to be maintened in...
Nayana Majumdar
(Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics)
10/13/15, 4:30 PM
Owing to the use of typical manufacturing techniques for microelectronics, the new genre of Micro-Pattern Gaseous Detectors (MPGDs) with high granularity and very small distances between the electrodes can offer high spatial and time resolutions and good counting rate capability. The requirement of fast collection of data in various applications of the MPGDs has necessitated a thorough...
Supratik Mukhopadhyay
(Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics)
10/13/15, 4:30 PM
A time projection chamber (TPC) is envisaged just beyond the vertex detector of the proposed linear collider. Because of the high flux environment, micro-pattern gaseous detectors (MPGD) have been proposed to build the end-plates of the TPC. Because of the large area coverage and their geometry, the end-plates are expected to be made of a number of MPGD modules. During experiments using the...
Karol Malinowski
(Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion)
10/13/15, 4:30 PM
Studies of Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) detector are conducted at the IPPLM institute for several years. They aim to develop GEM detector to register the soft X-ray in tokamak experimental conditions. This paper presents the results of simulations of electron avalanches produced within the tested detector due to absorption of X-ray photon. In first step simulations involved the construction...
Alfredo Castaneda Hernandez
(Texas A&M University at Qatar)
10/13/15, 4:30 PM
Garfield++ is a toolkit for the simulation of the particle detectors that use semi-conductors as sensitive medium. It takes enormous amount of time in the simulations of the complex scenarios such as those involving high detector voltages, gases with larger gains or electric field meshes with large number of elements. We observed that most of the simulation time is being consumed in finding...
Takao Kitaguchi
(Hiroshima University)
10/13/15, 4:35 PM
We have developed a gaseous Time Projection Chamber (TPC) containing a single-layered foil of a Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) to open up a new window on cosmic X-ray polarimetery. The GEM-TPC polarimeter works as a highly sensitive tracker for photoelectrons whose initial direction is sensitive to linear polarization of incident X-rays. The GEM foil is used to increase signal-to-noise ratio of...
Giuseppe De Robertis
10/13/15, 4:35 PM
In this work the MOSAIC (“MOdular System for Acquisition, Interface and Control”) board, designed for the readout and testing of the new pixel tracker modules of the ALICE experiment, is described. It is based on a large Artix7 Field Programmable Gate Array device by Xilinx and is compliant with the six unit “Versa Modular Eurocard” standard (6U-VME) for easy housing in a standard VMEbus...
Waqar Ahmed
(National Centre for Physics, Quaid-I-Azam Univ.)
10/13/15, 4:35 PM
The CMS Collaboration is planning to use triple GEM detectors as part of its muon system upgrade in order to enhance the muon tracking and triggering capabilities in the region of 1.5 < | eta |< 2.2. Triple-GEM detectors have been identified as a suitable technology to sustain the specific high radiation environment in that region. In CMS the triple-GEM detectors will be equipped with the...
Paul Colas
(CEA/Irfu Saclay)
10/13/15, 4:35 PM
There are more and more applications of resistive coatings for MPGD anodes. They are used for spark suppression and damping in Large Area detectors and for charge spreading to improve the resolution in a TPC (with the suitable RC constant per unit area). Recently a new material, Diamond-Like Carbon has been tested as coating for Micromegas TPC modules. Performances of modules with this new...
Michele Quinto
(INFN, Sezione di Bari)
10/13/15, 4:35 PM
The TOTEM (TOTal cross section, Elastic scattering and diffraction
dissociation Measurement at the LHC) experiment at LHC, has been
designed to measure the total proton-proton cross-section with a
luminosity independent method, based on the optical theorem, and study
the elastic and diffractive scattering at the LHC energy.
To cope with the increased intensity of the LHC run 2 phase,...
Hugo Natal da Luz
(Instituto de Fìsica, Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil)
10/13/15, 4:40 PM
One of the most relevant issues in neutron detection is the search for alternatives to Helium-3 as neutron converter. Its high absorption cross section for thermal neutrons used to make it the preferred absorber to build large area thermal neutron detectors. Its current unavailability triggered an intense research to find for alternatives, turning the attention of gaseous detectors developers...
Timo Hildén
(Helsinki Institute of Physics)
10/13/15, 4:40 PM
An optical Quality Assurance (QA) system has been developed at the Detector Laboratory of the Helsinki Institute of Physics. The size and shape of the holes in a Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) -foil can be measured with the system. The system is used e.g. for the QA of the GEM foils of the TPC detectors being developed for the beam diagnostics system of the SuperFRS at future FAIR facility and...
Lev Shekhtman
(Budker INP)
10/13/15, 4:40 PM
Spatial resolution of GEM based tracking detectors is simulated and measured. The simulation includes GEANT4 based transport of high energy electrons with careful accounting of atomic relaxation processes including emission of phluorescent photons and Auger electrons and custom post-processing, including accounting of diffusion, gas amplification fluctuations, distribution of signals on...
Yuki Mitsuya
(The University of Tokyo)
10/13/15, 4:40 PM
The glass gas electron multiplier, glass gem (G-GEM), is a GEM based detector which is composed of a photoetchable glass substrate (PEG3, HOYA Corporation, Japan). Its improved spark tolerance and mechanical stability provides better handling and simple detector setup. No outgassing from the substrate enables the long-term sealed operation of detectors.
In this research we report on the...
Gergo Hamar
(Wigner RCP, Budapest)
10/13/15, 4:45 PM
Novel Cherenkov detector upgrades favour GEM and Thick-GEM based
MPGD systems. These detectors have reduced ion backflow, fast signal formation, high gain, and could suppress the MIP signals as well. Their common drawbacks are the inefficiencies of photo-electron collection from the top of the TGEM and the local variation of multiplication due to the special geometry.
The developed...
Erik Brücken
(Helsinki Institute of Physics)
10/13/15, 4:45 PM
The ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN is dedicated to heavy ion physics to explore the structure of strongly interacting matter.
The Time Projection Chamber (TPC) of ALICE is a tracking detector located in the central region of the experiment. It offers excellent tracking of charged particles and identification of those via dE/dx....
Damien Neyret
(CEA Saclay IRFU/SPhN)
10/13/15, 4:45 PM
The CEA Saclay/IRFU COMPASS group built a dozen of new Micromegas pixelized detectors in 2014-2015 for the new hybrid detector based tracking system (see the corresponding abstract). These Micromegas detectors were based on bulk boards produced by the ELVIA company at Coutances (France). The boards are large, 80x60 cm² with an active area of 40x40 cm², and require a very precise etching of the...
Renato Negrão
(Instituto de Física, Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil)
10/13/15, 4:45 PM
Thick Gas Electron Multipliers (THGEMs) are based on the GEM microstructure, with thickness, pitch and hole diameter enlarged by a factor 10.The substrate is a common copper clad 0.5 mm thick FR4 or G10 board for printed circuits, with 0.5mm diameter holes mechanically drilled at a pitch of 1mm. Although it relies on a much simpler technological process to be fabricated, a precision of few...
Robert Wagner
(Argonne National Laboratory)
10/13/15, 5:15 PM
Shikma Bressler
(Weizmann Institute of Science)
10/14/15, 8:45 AM
The RPWELL detector is a single-sided THGEM (copper clad on one side only) coupled to the readout electrode through a sheet of large bulk resistivity. Former laboratory and accelerator studies, performed in Ne/CH4(5%), have demonstrated its large dynamic range (from single electrons to thousand times MIPS), high gains (> 106), and high detection efficiency over a broad particle-flux range....
Brian Dorney
(European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN))
10/14/15, 9:10 AM
We would like to describe a novel class of Micro Pattern Gas Detectors, dedicated to fast time applications: the Fast Timing MPGD (FTM).
Time resolution in gas detectors is dominated by fluctuations in the drift region of the nearest distance of the primary ionisation to amplification region. In order to improve their time resolution, we propose a new configuration, in which we split the...
Taito Takemura
(Kyoto Univ.)
10/14/15, 9:35 AM
(1) The u-PIC (micro pixel chamber) is our original gaseous two-dimensional imaging detector made by PCB (Printed Circuit Board) technology. The pixel Cu electrodes of u-PIC with a pitch of 400 um are placed on a polyimide substrate. At present u-PICs are used as the TPC of the Electron Tracking Compton Camera (ETCC) which is being developed for MeV gamma-ray astronomy. In order to improve...
Thomas Papaevangelou
(IRFU - CEA Saclay)
10/14/15, 10:00 AM
The current state of the art in fast timing for existing experiments is of the order of 100 picosec[1-2] on the time of arrival of both charged particles and electromagnetic showers. Current R&D on charged particle timing is approaching the level of 10 picosec [1] but is not primarily directed at sustained performance at high rates and under high radiation (as would be needed for HL-LHC pileup...
Filippo Resnati
10/14/15, 10:25 AM
Graphene is a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a honeycomb lattice with remarkable mechanical, electrical and optical properties. It can be regarded as the thinnest and narrowest conductive mesh with a strong asymmetry for the transmission of low energetic electrons and ions.
Graphene layers with an area of the order of a few cm^2 were transferred onto metal support structures with...
Theodoros Geralis
(NCSR Demokritos)
10/14/15, 10:40 AM
Umberto Marconi
10/14/15, 11:15 AM
Takeshi Fujiwara
(National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)
10/14/15, 11:55 AM
Oral contribution
A novel radiation imaging gaseous detector has been successfully developed and 3D computed tomography (CT) is successfully demonstrated. The imaging system consists of a chamber filled with Ar/CF4 scintillating gas mixture, inside of which Glass GEM (G-GEM) is mounted for gas multiplication. In this system electrons are generated by the reaction between X-rays and the gas, and visible photons...
Yuguang Xie
(Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS)
10/14/15, 12:20 PM
Oral contribution
The THGEMs development and application activities at IHEP, Beijing, China in recent years will be summarized and reported. We have made great progresses in new substrate, high spacial resolution and big area THGEMs. A serials of new types of substrates, Ceramic, PTFE, Kapton and FR-4 were developed for low neutron scattering and low radioactivity applications. By using laser technology, the...
Hiroyuki Takahashi
(The University of Tokyo)
10/14/15, 12:45 PM
We have developed a multi-grid-type MSGC (M-MSGC) for neutron applications and proved 0.6 mm neutron spatial resolution for our test detector with a He-3 gas mixture. Then we try to enlarge the size of our M-MSGC for practical use. Also, we tried to fabricate a transparent MSGC and successfully operated the test device as shown in Fig. 1. It was operated in Ar/CF4 gas mixture and both charge...
Javier Gracia Garza
(Universidad de Zaragoza)
10/15/15, 8:45 AM
The basic layout of an axion helioscope requires a powerful magnet coupled to x-ray optics and a detector in its focal plane. When the magnet is aligned with the Sun, an excess of x-rays at the exit of the magnet is expected, over the background measured at non-alignment periods. Therefore, low background x-ray detectors are a fundamental tool for these searches, partially determining their...
Javier Galán
(U. Zaragoza)
10/15/15, 9:10 AM
The search for the neutrinoless double beta decay (DBD) is one of the most important quests nowadays in neutrino physics. Among the different techniques used, high pressure xenon (HPXe) gas time projection chambers (TPC) stand out because they allow to image the topology of the DBD event (one straggling track ending in two blobs), and use it to discriminate signal from background events....
Andrey Sokolov
(Novosibirsk State University, Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
10/15/15, 9:35 AM
Two-phase Cryogenic Avalanche Detectors (CRADs) with THGEM multipliers have become an emerging potential technique for rare-event experiments. In this work the current status of the two-phase CRAD prototype in Ar, with electroluminescence (EL) gap and combined THGEM/GAPD-matrix multiplier, is described. The low threshold and high energy resolution of the detector is provided by the EL gap,...
Shuoxing Wu
(ETH Zurich)
10/15/15, 10:00 AM
The Liquid Argon (LAr) Time Projection Chamber (TPC) is the state-of-the-art technology for neutrino detection thanks to its superb 3 dimensional (3D) charge imaging and calorimetry performance. Based on this technology, a giant (10-40 kt) LAr TPC has been proposed as the detector for an underground observatory for the study of neutrino oscillations, neutrino astrophysics and proton...
Ikeda Tomonori
(Kobe University)
10/15/15, 10:25 AM
Negative-ion TPCs have been studied for low-rate and high-resolution applications. Lately, the discovery of "minority carriers" in CS2 gas, broadened its potential and the measurement of absolute Z-position in a self-triggering TPC became possible (J.B.R. Battat et al., (2014) arXiv:1410.7821). The minority carriers appeared after adding a few percent O2 to the original gas. They each drift...
Georgios Iakovidis
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
10/15/15, 12:05 PM
The VMM is an ASIC that can be used in a variety of tracking detectors. It is designed to be used with resistive Micromegas and sTGC detectors in the New Small Wheel upgrade of the ATLAS Muon spectrometer. The ASIC is fabricated in the 130nm 1.2V 8‐metal CMOS technology from IBM. The ASIC integrates 64 channels, each providing charge amplification, discrimination, neighbour logic, amplitude...
Ron Lipton
10/15/15, 12:30 PM
Purba Bhattacharya
(School of Physical Sciences, NISER, India)
10/15/15, 2:35 PM
A Time Projection Chamber (TPC) is an ideal device for three-dimensional tracking, momentum measurement and identification of charged particles. They are used in many running experiments, including ALICE. Owing to the enormous particle multiplicity per event, very specific requirements are made on the performance of the detectors in harsh radiation environments. Different R&D activities are...
(Weizmann Institute of Science)
10/15/15, 3:00 PM
Oral contribution
Liquid hole-multipliers (LHMs) have been suggested as a possible method for generating charge-induced proportional scintillation signals in single-phase noble-liquid time projection chambers (TPCs). Preliminary experiments have shown large scintillation yields in the holes of a Thick Gas Electron Multiplier (THGEM) immersed in liquid xenon. Further detailed studies have uncovered that the...
Patrik Thuiner
(CERN, Vienna University of Technology)
10/15/15, 3:25 PM
Gaseous Electron Multipliers (GEM) are well known for stable operation at high particle fluxes. For the first time we present a study of the intrinsic limits of GEM detectors when exposed to very high particle fluxes of the order of MHz/mm^2.
We give an interpretation to the variations of the effective gain, which, as a function of the particle flux, first increases and then decreases. We...
Daisuke Arai
(Fujikura Ltd.)
10/15/15, 4:15 PM
Time Projection Chamber (TPC) with MPGD readout is proposed to be the central tracker of ILD detector for the International Linear Collider (ILC). Positive-ion feedback from the gas-amplification region to the drift region can deteriorate the position resolution of TPC. In order to prevent this from happening, ILC beam-train time structure allow us to use a gate to stop the ion feedback,...
Fumiya Yamane
(Kobe Univ.)
10/15/15, 5:05 PM
Micro-Pixel chamber (μ-PIC) with resistive electrodes has been developed for particle tracking detector in the environment of high rate HIP (Highly Ionizing Particles). One of the target of this development is ATLAS Muon Tagger that is considered to be disposed at phase-2 upgrade. The amplification region of μ-PIC is separated by isolated pixels, so it is expected to separate multi incident...
(Weizmann Institute of Science)
10/15/15, 5:30 PM
Theodoros Geralis
(NCSR Demokritos)