Oct 12 – 17, 2015
Trieste - Italy
Europe/Rome timezone


Please note that participants are requested to contact the hotels directly and book their own rooms. In order to access the reserved rooms please write an email or phone to the hotels. Do not use the webpage interfaces of the hotels.

However those who wish assistance for hotel reservation can contact the conference agency TTC (email: ttc@ttc.it; phone n.: +39040371678; mobile: +393381100969).
Conference agency Reservation  € 20.00 (VAT included).

A number of rooms in the following hotels - at walking distance from the Congress Centre - have been reserved for the duration of the Conference at a preferential rate.

Preferential rates will be available until July 31, 2015 or until rooms are sold out, quoting "Conference MPGD 2015".

Please take note that on the 11th of October 2015, Trieste will host an international sailing event "BARCOLANA" therefore it may be very difficult to find a lodging downtown. So, please, reserve your room as soon as possible.

1* Hotel

Hotel Portacavana (suggested for students)
Via Felice Venezian, 14 – 34124 Trieste
+39 040 301313,  Fax +39 040 3225115
email: info@hotelportacavana.it
website: www.hotelportacavana.it
Hotel Portacavana does not provide breakfast room only.
heap rooms are available with external bathroom and there are a few triple and quadruple

Located nearby "Stazione Marittima" and 15 min. walk from Railway Station and Air Terminal.

3* Hotel

Hotel Abbazia
Via della Geppa, 20 – 34100 Trieste
+39 040 369464, Fax +39 040 365314
email: info@hotelabbaziatrieste.it
website: www.hotelabbaziatrieste.it
20 min. walk from Stazione Marittima, 5 min. walk from Railway Station and Air Terminal

Hotel Colombia
Via della Geppa, 18
34132 Trieste
+39 040 369191, Fax +39 040 46063271
email: colombia@hotelcolombia.it
website: www.hotelcolombia.it/
20 min. walk from Stazione Marittima, 5 min. walk from Railway Station and Air Terminal

Hotel Filoxenia
Via Mazzini, 3
34121 Trieste
+39 040 3481644, Fax +39 040 661371
e-mail: info@filoxenia.it
sito web: www.filoxenia.it
15 min. walk from Stazione Marittima, 20 min. walk from Railway Station and Air Terminal

Hotel Italia
Via della Geppa, 15 – 34132 Trieste
+39 040 369900, Fax +39 040 630540
email: info@hotel-italia.it
website: www.hotel-italia.it 
20 min. walk from Stazione Marittima, 5 min. walk from Railway Station and Air Terminal

James Joyce Hotel (please, check-in at Urban Hotel Design reception)
Via Cavazzeni 7 - I-34121 Trieste
+39 040 302065, Fax +39 040 307223
email: info@urbanhotel.it
website: www.hoteljamesjoyce.com
Located close to piazza Unità d'Italia, nearby "Stazione Marittima" and 15 min. walk from Railway Station and Air Terminal

Novo Hotel Impero
Via Sant' Anastasio, 1 - 34132 Trieste
+39 040 364242, Fax +39 040 365023
email: impero@fenicehotels.it
website: www.hotelimperotrieste.it
50 m far from Railway Station and Air Terminal, 15 min. walk from Stazione Marittima

Hotel Residence L'albero Nascosto

Via Felice Venezian, 18 - 34124 Trieste
+39 040 300188,  Fax +39 040 3224493
email: info@alberonascosto.it
website: www.alberonascosto.it
Located nearby "Stazione Marittima" and 15 min. walk from Railway Station and Air Terminal

4* Hotel

Urban Hotel Design
via Androna Chiusa, 4 - 34121 Trieste
+39 040 302065, Fax +39 040 307223
email: info@urbanhotel.it
sito web: www.urbanhotel.it
Vicino a Piazza Unità d'Italia
Located close to piazza Unità d'Italia, nearby "Stazione Marittima" and 15 min. walk from Railway Station and Air Terminal

Hotel Continentale

Via San Nicolò, 25 - 34123 Trieste
+39 040 631717, Fax +39 040 368816
email: info@continentalehotel.com
website: www.continentalehotel.com
10 min. walk from Railway Station and Air Terminal, 10 min. walk from Stazione Marittima

4* delux Hotel

Grand Hotel Duchi D'Aosta
Piazza Unità d'Italia, 2 - 34121 Trieste
+39 040 7600011, Fax +39 040 366092
email: info@duchi.eu
website: www.grandhotelduchidaosta.com
Located in piazza Unità d'Italia, nearby "Stazione Marittima" and 15 min. walk from Railway Station and Air Terminal

Other hotels of different categories (* to ****) can be found close to the Congress venue. Look here.