3:50 PM
Aging studies on the first resistive-MicroMegas quadruplet at GIF++: preliminary results
Barbara Alvarez Gonzalez
3:50 PM
Design, construction, quality checks and test results of first resistive-MicroMegas anode boards for the ATLAS experiment.
Fabian Kuger
(CERN / University of Würzburg (Germay))
3:50 PM
Gas measurements in a sealed TPC for the HARPO experiment
Mickaël Frotin
3:50 PM
Studies on Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) modules of a Large Prototype TPC for the ILC
Annika Vauth
3:50 PM
A Minidrift GEM Tracking Detector and its Potential Use for Large Angle Tracking at an Electron Ion Collider
Craig Woody
(Brookhaven National Lab)
3:50 PM
Development of large area resistive electrodes for ATLAS NSW MicroMegas
Atsuhiko Ochi
(Kobe University)
3:55 PM
Performance studies of resistive MicroMegas detectors for the upgrade of the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer
Konstantinos Ntekas
(National Technical University of Athens)
3:55 PM
Characterization of a hybrid GEM-Micromegas detector with respect to its application in a continuously read out TPC
Viktor Ratza
(Helmholtz-Institut für Strahlen- und Kernphysik, Germany)
3:55 PM
Simulation of the CMS GEM System
Sharma Archana
(University of Wisconsin)
3:55 PM
Charge particle detection performance of large area triple-GEM detectors for the forward muon upgrade of the CMS detector
Marek Michael GRUCHALA
3:55 PM
Quality control for the first large areas of triple GEM chambers for the CMS endcaps
Michael Tytgat
3:55 PM
Development of a TPC detector module equipped with a positive-ion gating device using high electron transmission GEM-type foils for the ILD detector at the ILC
Thorsten Lux
4:00 PM
Operation of an InGrid based X-ray detector at the CAST experiment
Christoph Krieger
(University of Bonn)
4:00 PM
Investigations of Kr-Xe mixtures in gas avalanche detectors
João Veloso
(University of Aveiro)
4:00 PM
HARPO, TPC as a gamma telescope and polarimeter: Measurements in a polarised photon beam between 1.7 MeV and 74 MeV
Philippe Gros
(LLR, Ecole Polytechnique)
4:00 PM
LBNO-DEMO (WA105): a large demonstrator of the Liquid Argon double phase TPC
Thorsten Lux
(ETH, Zurich)
4:00 PM
Micromegas calibration for ACTAR TPC
Benoit Mauss
4:00 PM
Measurement of the GEM gain uniformity for the PRAXyS mission
Megu Kubota
(RIKEN/Tokyo University of Science)
4:00 PM
Polarimeter Detector development using GEM technology for Proton EDM Measurement
Seongtae Park
4:10 PM
The micro-Resistive WELL
Giovanni Bencivenni
4:10 PM
Innovative Micromegas Manufacturing with micro fabrication techniques and use of graphene
(NCSR Demokritos)
4:10 PM
The development of MPGD-based detectors of single photons
Shuddha Shankar Dasgupta
4:10 PM
Development of a new generation GEM using a fine ceramic
Kazuki Komiya
(Tokyo Metropolitan Industrial Technology Reserach Institute)
4:10 PM
Progress of the Capillary Plate-based Gaseous Detector for high energy photon imaging.
Hiroyuki Sugiyama
(Hamamatsu Photonics K.K.)
4:10 PM
Low-energy electron source to characterise Micromegas/InGrid and study of dE/dx for low energy electrons
Vladyslav Krylov
(LAL - Orsay, T. Shevchenko National University - Kyiv)
4:10 PM
Hyperfast Sensor Development for the HL-LHC Era
Sebastian White
(Princeton University)
4:10 PM
Progress in Thick-Groove detector developments
Paolo Iengo
4:15 PM
GEM based detecting system for tungsten radiation focused tomography at WEST tokamak
Maryna Chernyshova
(Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion)
4:15 PM
Low consumption micromegas for muon tomography
Simon Bouteille
4:15 PM
Novel High-Resolution Neutron Detectors for the NMX Instrument at ESS
Filippo Resnati
4:15 PM
Investigation of THGEM technology for nuclear security applications
Katie Ley
4:15 PM
The M-Cube project: Large area Micromegas for homeland security
Sebastien Procureur
4:15 PM
Design and assembling of GEM detector sensitive volume for plasma radiation application.
Ewa Kowalska-Strzęciwilk
4:15 PM
The development of a new nTHGEM based neutron detector in CSNS
Jianrong ZHOU
(Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS))
4:20 PM
Use of Micro Pattern Gas Detectors In some Nuclear Physics Experiments
Emanuel Pollacco
4:20 PM
Essential data processing for soft X-ray diagnostics based on GEM detector measurements for fusion plasma imaging
Tomasz Czarski
(Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion)
4:20 PM
A new transparent XY-MicroMegas neutron beam profiler
Éric Berthoumieux
4:20 PM
“Ab initio” development of a gaseous Compton Camera
João Veloso
(University of Aveiro)
4:20 PM
GEM based fast neutron detector for fusion and spallation sources experiments
Andrea Muraro
4:20 PM
Palma Rita Altieri
(Università degli Studi di Bari & INFN)
4:20 PM
Design and parameterisation of a pinhole camera and selection of the X-ray source energy for the GEM based X-ray fluorescence imaging system
Bartosz Mindur
(AGH University of Science and Technology)
4:25 PM
Measurements and calculations of electron avalanche growth in ternary mixtures of Ne + CO2 + N2
Tadeusz Kowalski
(AGH, University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland)
4:25 PM
Statistical fluctuations of photoelectron emission from CsI photocathodes in Noble gases
João Veloso
(University of Aveiro)
4:25 PM
Electron losses during drift and mesh transit in an ATLAS-like MicroMegas
Fabian Kuger
(CERN / University of Würzburg (Germay))
4:25 PM
Influence of water on the surface of graphene
Yunus KAYA
(Uludag University)
4:25 PM
PI Surface Conductivity Measurements
4:25 PM
Noble gas cluster ions
Yunus KAYA
(Uludag University)
4:25 PM
Study of the performance of Micromegas detectors in magnetic field.
Dimos Sampsonidis Sampsonidis
(Aristotle University ofThessaloniki)
4:30 PM
Numerical study of electrostatic field distortion on LPTPC end-plates based on bulk Micromegas modules
Supratik Mukhopadhyay
(Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics)
4:30 PM
Speeding Up and Parallelizing the Garfield++
Alfredo Castaneda Hernandez
(Texas A&M University at Qatar)
4:30 PM
Numerical Studies on Time Resolution of Micro-Pattern Gaseous Detectors
Nayana Majumdar
(Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics)
4:30 PM
Simulations of electron avalanches in the GEM detector
Karol Malinowski
(Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion)
4:35 PM
The TOTEM DAQ based on Scalable Readout System (SRS)
Michele Quinto
(INFN, Sezione di Bari)
4:35 PM
Tests of a new anode resistive coating for a Micromegas TPC
Paul Colas
(CEA/Irfu Saclay)
4:35 PM
Development of the GEM-TPC X-ray Polarimeter with the Scalable Readout System
Takao Kitaguchi
(Hiroshima University)
4:35 PM
MOSAIC board: a modular system for readout and testing of particle physics detectors and their related electronics.
Giuseppe De Robertis
4:35 PM
Status of the electronics & DAQ for the Triple-GEM project for the upgrade of the CMS forward muon spectrometer
Waqar Ahmed
(National Centre for Physics, Quaid-I-Azam Univ.)
4:40 PM
Some advances of thinner-THGEM
Qian Liu
(UCAS, China)
4:40 PM
New results on hole-size dependence of GEM-foil performance
Timo Hildén
(Helsinki Institute of Physics)
4:40 PM
Characterization of multilayer Thick-GEM geometries as 10B converters aiming thermal neutron detection
Hugo Natal da Luz
(Instituto de Fìsica, Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil)
4:40 PM
A new technique for assembling large-size GEM detectors and its experimental results
Yi Zhou
4:40 PM
The Recent Results of Glass Gas Electron Multiplier
Yuki Mitsuya
(The University of Tokyo)
4:40 PM
Study of spatial resolution of low-material GEM tracking detectors
Lev Shekhtman
(Budker INP)
4:45 PM
Candidate eco-friendly gas mixtures for MPGDs
Giovanna Saviano
4:45 PM
A novel application of Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensors in MPGD
Luigi Benussi
4:45 PM
Report on mass production of large size bulk Micromegas boards at ELVIA company
Damien Neyret
(CEA Saclay IRFU/SPhN)
4:45 PM
Investigation of the microstructure of Thick-GEMs with single photo-electrons
Gergo Hamar
(Wigner RCP, Budapest)
4:45 PM
Characterization of GEM foils and materials: simulation, measurements and interferometric monitoring tools
Saleh Muhammad
4:45 PM
Quality Assurance of the QEM foils for the upgrade of the readout chambers of the ALICE TPC.
Erik Brücken
(Helsinki Institute of Physics)
4:45 PM
Thick-GEM production in Brazil - characterization of the first prototype
Renato Negrão
(Instituto de Física, Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil)