Dec 15, 2014
May 26, 2015
Conference fee is € 450.00 (EPS members € 400.00, students € 200.00). It includes cost of proceedings, two-way bus transportation from/to Rome or Pisa Airport to/from the hotels, coffee breaks, gala dinner and social events. Registration fee can be paid: • by bank transfer (advanced payment) to Associazione Frontier Detectors for Frontier Physics IBAN: IT80L0103014003000000316237 BIC: PASCITM1PI2 Ref: Participant's name - PM2015 fee (transfer fee at the sender's charge) • on site at the Meeting Registration upon arrival All major currencies will be accepted, as well as EC and personal cheques. We are not able to accept credit cards for the payment of the Conference fee
Registration is closed
The registration period has passed.