24–30 May 2015
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Calibration and Data Quality systems of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter during the LHC operations

25 May 2015, 10:24
Poster S1 - Run II at LHC Run2 at LHC - Poster Session


Mr Tibor Zenis (CU Bratislava)


The Tile Calorimeter is the hadronic calorimeter covering the central region of the ATLAS detector at the LHC. It consists of thin steel plates and scintillating tiles. Wavelength shifting fibres coupled to the tiles collect the produced light and are read out by photomultiplier tubes. The calibration scheme of the Tile Calorimeter comprises Cs radioactive source, laser and charge injection systems. Each stage of the signal production of the calorimeter from scintillation light to digitization is monitored and equalized. Description of the different TileCal calibration systems as well as results on their performance in terms of calibration factors, linearity and stability will be given. The data quality procedures and data quality efficiency of the Tile Calorimeter during the LHC data-taking period are presented as well.


ATLAS Tile Calorimeter System

Primary author

Mr Tibor Zenis (CU Bratislava)

Presentation materials