Maria Elena Stramaglia
(AEC-LHEP Bern University)
The calibration of the Pixel detector fullfills two main purposes: to
tune front-end registers for establishing the best operational settings
and to measure the tuning performance through a subset of scans.
An analysis framework has been set up in order to take actions on the
detector given the outcome of a calibration scan (e.g. to create a mask
for disabling noisy pixels).
The software framework to control all aspects of the Pixel detector
scans and analyses is called Calibration Console.
The introduction of a new layer, equipped with new Front End-I4
Chips, required an update the Console architecture. It now handles
scans and scans analyses applied toghether to chips with dierent characteristics.
An overview of the newly developed Calibration Analysis Software will
be presented, together with some preliminary result.
Primary author
Clara Troncon