Alessandro Ferri
(Fondazione Bruno Kessler)
We present the first results of timing and energy resolution of a newly developed 64-channels tile with FBK SiPMs. The tile has dimensions of 32x32 mm2 and it is composed of an array of 8x8 SiPMs, having a regular pitch along the x and y directions of 4 mm. The fill factor at the tile level is 85%. We designed two versions: one with single-ended and the other with differential readout.
The first prototypes are equipped with RGB-HD SiPMs with a cell size of 25 µm. We tested a tile with single ended readout with a scintillator array, manufactured to perfectly match the tile pitch and composed of 8x8 LYSO crystals with dimensions of 4x4x22 mm3. We used a single-channel setup, based on a fast, discrete amplifier, a digital oscilloscope and a PC, and read one SiPM at a time. We irradiated the detector with 511 keV gamma photons, emitted by a Na22 radioactive source. At 20 °C, we measured an energy resolution of 10.7% FWHM, corrected for saturation. The timing measurements were performed against a known reference detector, whose contribution was subtracted. We compared two conditions: when only one SiPM was biased and read, and when all the 64 SiPMs were biased but only one was read. At 20 °C, we measured a timing resolution of 200 ps FWHM in the first case, and 220 ps FWHM in the second case.
Measurements on a second tile production equipped with NUV SiPMs, having a cell size of 40 µm, are ongoing and will be presented at the conference.
Primary author
Alessandro Ferri
(Fondazione Bruno Kessler)
Alberto Gola
(Fondazione Bruno Kessler)
Claudio Piemonte
(Fondazione Bruno Kessler)
Fabio Acerbi
(Fondazione Bruno Kessler)
Giovanni Paternoster
(Fondazione Bruno Kessler)
Nicola Zorzi
(Fondazione Bruno Kessler - FBK)