May 24 – 30, 2015
Europe/Rome timezone
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The Archimedes Experiment

May 29, 2015, 10:10 AM
Poster S8 - Detector Techniques for Cosmology, Astroparticle and General Physics Detector Techniques for Cosmology, Astroparticle and General Physics - Poster Session


Dr Paola Puppo (ROMA1)


Archimedes is an INFN funded pathfinder experiment aimed at verifying the feasibility of measuring the interaction of vacuum fluctuations with gravity. The final experiment will measure the force exerted by the gravitational field on a Casimir cavity whose vacuum energy is modulated with a superconductive transition, by using a balance as a small force detector. Archimedes is devoted to test the most critical experimental aspects, in particular the balance resonance frequency and quality factor, the thermal modulation efficiency and the superconductive sample realization.


E. Calloni, S. Caprara, M. De Laurentis, G. Esposito , M. Grilli, E. Majorana, G. P. Pepe, S. Petrarca, P. Puppo, P. Rapagnani, F. Ricci, L. Rosa, C. Rovelli , P. Ruggi, N. L. Saini, C. Stornaiolo, F. Tafuri

Primary authors

Prof. Carlo Rovelli (University of Aix-Marseille) Dr Cosimo Stornaiolo (NA) Dr Enrico Calloni (NA) Dr Ettore Majorana (ROMA1) Dr Francesco Tafuri (NA) Prof. Fulvio Ricci (ROMA1) Prof. Giampiero Esposito (NA) Prof. Giovanni Piero Pepe (NA) Dr Luigi Rosa (NA) Prof. Marco Grilli (Roma1) Dr Martina De Laurentis (NA) Prof. Naurang Saini (Sapienza Università di Roma) Dr Paola Puppo (ROMA1) Dr Paolo Ruggi (EGO) Prof. Piero Rapagnani (ROMA1) Dr Sergio Caprara (ROMA1) Prof. Silvano Petrarca (ROMA1)

Presentation materials