24–30 May 2015
Europe/Rome timezone
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MRPC detector for MAMBO photonuclear experiment in Bonn

27 May 2015, 09:30
Poster S7 - Gas detectors Gas Detectors - Poster Session


Francesco Messi (Physikalisches Institut, Uni-Bonn)


A MRPC detector should be installed in order to cover the forward angle in the MAMBO experiment in Bonn where is used as TOF detector located at 1 m from the target. This detector use four sealed stacks in order to reach time resolution of the order of 30-40 ps. First commissioning data is also showed.

Primary author

Roberto Messi (ROMA2;LNF)


Alessandro Saputi (LNF) Dario Moricciani (ROMA2) Francesco Messi (Physikalisches Institut, Uni-Bonn) Maurizio Gatta (LNF) Rachele Anna Di Salvo (ROMA2)

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