24–30 May 2015
Europe/Rome timezone
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Cerenkov Detectors for Beam Quality Measurement

25 May 2015, 10:11
Poster S1 - Run II at LHC Run2 at LHC - Poster Session


Ms Styliani Orfanelli (CERN, NTUA)


A new detector to measure the machine induced background at larger radii has been developed and installed in the CMS experiment at LHC. It consists of 40 modules, each comprising a quartz bar read out by a photo-multiplier. Since Cerenkov radiation is emitted in a forward cone around the charged particle trajectory, these detectors can distinguish the directions of the machine induced background. The back-end consists of a micro TCA readout with excellent time resolution. The performance of the detector modules measured in several test-beam campaigns will be reported. The installation in CMS will be described, and first results about operating the detector during data taking will be given.


CMS BRIL Project

Primary author

Prof. wolfgang Lohmann (CERN &amp;amp; DESY)


Nicolo Tosi (INFN Bologna)

Presentation materials