May 24 – 30, 2015
Europe/Rome timezone
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The ATLAS Upgrade Planar Pixel Sensors R&D Project: Status and Overview

May 28, 2015, 9:10 AM
Oral S6 - Solid State Detectors Solid State Detectors


Dr Paul Dervan (University of Liverpool)


To investigate the suitability of pixel sensors using the proven planar technology for the upgraded tracker, the ATLAS Planar Pixel Sensor R&D Project was established comprising 18 institutes and more than 80 scientists. Main areas of research are • performance assessment of planar pixel sensors at HL-LHC fluences to drive design and process improvements. • establishment of reliable device simulations for severely radiation-damaged pixel detectors • the exploration of possibilities for cost reduction to enable the instrumentation of large areas with pixel detectors The presentation will give an overview of the most recent achievements of the R&D project, among them • beam test results with planar sensors irradiated up to HL-LHC fluences at different eta angles providing new insight into efficiencies and cluster sizes under realistic b-layer conditions • measurements obtained with irradiated n-in-p pixel assemblies of different thicknesses down to 100 µm and with special active/slim edges • comparisons of these experimental findings with initial TCAD device simulations • update on prototyping efforts for large areas: sensor design improvements, 6” wafer production yields, characterisations and rad-hardness confirmations. On the base of these results, a discussion on the possible ways implementing planar pixel sensors in the different layers of the new ATLAS pixel system will be given.


The ATLAS Upgrade Planar Pixel Sensors R&D Project

Primary authors

Dr Anna Macchiolo (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik) Daniel Muenstermann (CERN)

Presentation materials