24–30 mag 2015
Europe/Rome fuso orario
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Picosecond Cherenkov detectors for heavy ion experiments at LHEP/JINR

25 mag 2015, 16:33
Poster S2 - Photon Detector and PID Photo Detectors and PID - Poster Session


Dr. Vladimir Yurevich (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)


A system of Cherenkov detectors with picosecond time resolution are developed for study of heavy ion collisions with beams of Nuclotron and collider NICA at LHEP/JINR, Dubna. The detectors will be applied in two large scale setups BM@N and MPD with aim of production of a start signal for TOF detector and generation of an effective L0 trigger for nucleus – nucleus collisions. The detectors are based on a quartz radiator optically coupled with MCP-PMT XP85012-A1/Q from Photonis. The detector concepts, results of MC simulation and measurements with a beam of relativistic deuterons are discussed.

Autore principale

Dr. Vladimir Yurevich (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)


Dr. Oleg Batenkov (V.G. Khlopin Radium Institute, St. Petersburg)

Materiali di presentazione