24–30 May 2015
Europe/Rome timezone
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Time performances and irradiation test of CsI crystals readout by MPPC

29 May 2015, 16:47
Poster S9 - Calorimetry Calorimetry - Poster Session


Raffaella Donghia (LNF)


As an alternative of the crystal choice for the Mu2e calorimeter, we have tested single crystals of pure CsI in combination with large area MPPC from Hamamatsu. The MPPC under consideration, consisting of an array of 16 3$\times$ 3 mm$^2$ cells, 50 $\mu$m pixels, grants an active area of 12$\times$12 mm$^2$ and has an improved PDE reaching $\sim$ 40 \% down to 250 nm thus well adapting to the emission spectra of these crystals. We have measured the light yield, the longitudinal response uniformity and the time performances of CsI crystals procured from three different firms. We have also determined their radiation hardness to a ionization dose of up to 100 krad and to a neutron flux of up to 10$^{11}$ n/cm$^2$.

Primary author

Simona Giovannella (LNF)

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