4th Workshop on Air Shower Detection at High Altitude

Aula Magna Partenope (Napoli)

Aula Magna Partenope


Centro Congressi Partenope Via Partenope 36, Napoli
Since 100 years from their discovery the Cosmic Rays (CR) remain still obscure in their origin, nevertheless many news are coming and the panorama is becoming more and more intriguing and inviting for researchers thanks to the powerful detectors that are in operation and to the planned experiments.

Starting from the problem of their origin and the hunting  for CR sources, the IV edition of the workshop will offer the opportunity to review the many interesting results on CR that have recently been reported. The related subjects of  Gamma  Rays and Neutrinos will be considered within the frame of the CR origin. Considering the harvest of results on hadronic interactions provided by LHC,  a session will be devoted to  the interaction codes and data interpretation. Also detection techniques aiming to solve key problems or relevant to the proposed experiments will be discussed.

Special attention will be paied to  ground-based experiments,  in particular to the ones at high altitude, either planned like HAWC, LAWCA, LHAASO, PAMIR XXI or in operation like ARGO-YBJ, and TIBET ASg.
  • Alessandro Cuoco
  • Anatoly Erlykin
  • Andrea Chiavassa
  • Andrew Smith
  • Antonio Capone
  • Beatrice Panico
  • Bing-Kai Zhang
  • Corinne Bérat
  • Cristina Mattone
  • daniele fargion
  • Douglas Bergman
  • Fengrong Zhu
  • Francesco Vissani
  • Gianfranca De Rosa
  • Giovanni Marsella
  • Giuseppe Di Sciascio
  • Giuseppe Longo
  • Glennys Farrar
  • Hans Dembinski
  • HUANG Weiping
  • Huihai He
  • Ivan De Mitri
  • Leonid Kuzmichev
  • Lingling Ma
  • Lorenzo Perrone
  • Marco Tavani
  • Michele Doro
  • Michele IACOVACCI
  • Min Zha
  • Mosè Mariotti
  • Paolo Lipari
  • Paschal Coyle
  • Pasquale Migliozzi
  • Roberta Sparvoli
  • Sergio Catalanotti
  • Shoushan Zhang
  • simona cafieri
  • Stefano Mari
  • Stefano Mastroianni
  • Takashi SAKO
  • Tristano Di Girolamo
  • Vernetto Silvia
  • Xinhua Ma
  • Yingtao CHEN
  • Zhen Cao