INFN-ESRF Collaboration Meeting

Ed. 36 Aula Salvini e Aula Seminari - Ed. 57 Aula Conversi (Laboratori Nazionali Frascati)

Ed. 36 Aula Salvini e Aula Seminari - Ed. 57 Aula Conversi

Laboratori Nazionali Frascati

WG1 - INFN-ESRF Collaboration Meeting
Zoom Meeting ID
In order to allow a remote participation in the event, a zoom link has been set up. An INFN indico account is required to login in and join the meeting. If you haven't it, please create a new one. Without the log in, the incomplete zoom link will ask for a pass code. Please connect with your Full Name and Surname in order to be allowed to join the Meeting (no nicknames allowed). Please connect with one device only. Questions can be made through chat messages only. Priority will be given to onsite questions and upon timing availability. In case of problems send an e-mail to:
Maria Rita Ferrazza
Zoom URL