PPGF UNIFAL-MG/UFSJ International Conference on Multimessenger Astrophysics

Building F Auditorium (Universidade Federal de Alfenas (UNIFAL-MG))

Building F Auditorium

Universidade Federal de Alfenas (UNIFAL-MG)

Rodovia José Aurélio Vilela,BR 267, Km 533 11999 - Cidade Universitária, MG, 37715-400
Cassius Anderson Miquele de Melo (UNIFAL-MG), Iara Tosta E Melo (UniCT - INFN), Lucas Vinícius Marques (Universidade Federal de Alfenas - (UNIFAL)), Rodrigo Rocha Cuzinatto (UNIFAL-MG)

In recent years, Astrophysics has been undergoing a true revolution driven by access to data from new messengers such as gravitational waves and astrophysical neutrinos. 

In order to present the theme to the most extended as possible regions of Brazil and the world, the conference is jointly efford between local universities and international ones, including: the Department of Physics and Astronomy “E. Majorana” of the University of Catania, the Federal University of Alfenas (UNIFAL), the Technological Institute of Aeronautics (ITA), Sao Paulo State university (UNESP) and Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN).

This meeting aims to bring together experts in theory, observation, and experiments studying multimessenger phenomena to review the current status and discuss on the matter.

The event targets undergraduate and postgraduate students interested in the topic, presenting an introductory course on gravitational wave astrophysics in the afternoon as well as lectures on the state of the art in the area. Mornings will be reserved for seminars from experts in the field and a poster session is planned for young researches to present their contributions.

Two extra sessions focused on scientific dissemination to the general public are planed: a chit chat in a local pub and a seminar with sky observation at on of the most iconic places of the city.


Scientific Committee:

  • Iara Tosta e Melo (UniCT-Italia)
  • Márcio Eduardo da Silva Alves (UNESP)
  • Pedro José Pompeia (ITA)
  • Léo Gouvea Medeiros (UFRN)


  • Alicia Fernandes
  • Carla Cristina Maurício Alves de Oliveira
  • Christian Andrade Bruzigues
  • Daniel Juliano Pamplona da Silva
  • Denisson Guimarães do Carmo
  • Diego Augusto Frizo
  • Gabriela Conde Saavedra
  • Ivan Francisco de Souza Ivan Francisco de Souza
  • Jeremias Bezerra
  • Juan Carlos Sumire Esquia
  • Léo Gouvêa Medeiros
  • Marcos Vinicius Bernardes
  • Maria Eduarda Inacio
  • Massimo Tinto
  • Mateus Rodrigues
  • Mayara Hilgert Pacheco
  • Márcio Alves
  • Neil Lizander Goyzueta Palomino
  • Odylio Aguiar
  • Pedro Jeronimo Santos da Silva
  • Prichards William Peregrino
  • Rafael Ferreira Manzoli
  • Regiley Oliveria
  • Rodrigo Rocha Cuzinatto
  • Ronai Lisboa
  • Samuel Alves
  • Thiago de Almeida Baziotti
  • Tiago Antonioni Araújo de Oliveira
  • Vitoria Belo
  • +9
    • Opening session Building F Auditorium

      Building F Auditorium

      Universidade Federal de Alfenas (UNIFAL-MG)

      Rodovia José Aurélio Vilela,BR 267, Km 533 11999 - Cidade Universitária, MG, 37715-400

      Presentation of PPGF UNIFAL-MG/UFSJ and the VIrgoBR and KM3NeT collaborations.

      Conveners: Cassius Anderson Miquele de Melo, Márcio Eduardo da Silva Alves
    • Coffee Break
    • Virtual visit to the VIRGO laboratory. Building F Auditorium

      Building F Auditorium

      Universidade Federal de Alfenas (UNIFAL-MG)

      Rodovia José Aurélio Vilela,BR 267, Km 533 11999 - Cidade Universitária, MG, 37715-400

      Discover the VIRGO experiment through an interactive virtual tour and learn how it is possible to measure deformations smaller than the diameter of a proton to detect gravitational waves.

      For virtual connection: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81327309390

      Convener: Elisa Velcani (European Gravitational Observatory)
    • Lunch
    • Mini course on Gravitational Waves. Lecture 1: Understanding gravitational waves from coalescing black holes with basic physics. Part 1. Building F Auditorium

      Building F Auditorium

      Universidade Federal de Alfenas (UNIFAL-MG)

      Rodovia José Aurélio Vilela,BR 267, Km 533 11999 - Cidade Universitária, MG, 37715-400

      Introduction to gravitational waves.

      Convener: Prof. Rodrigo Rocha Cuzinatto (UNIFAL-MG)
    • Mini course on Gravitational Waves. Lecture 2: Understanding gravitational waves from coalescing black holes with basic physics. Part 2. Building F Auditorium

      Building F Auditorium

      Universidade Federal de Alfenas (UNIFAL-MG)

      Rodovia José Aurélio Vilela,BR 267, Km 533 11999 - Cidade Universitária, MG, 37715-400

      Introduction to gravitational waves.

      Convener: Prof. Pedro José Pompeia (ITA)
    • Round Table Building F Auditorium

      Building F Auditorium

      Universidade Federal de Alfenas (UNIFAL-MG)

      Rodovia José Aurélio Vilela,BR 267, Km 533 11999 - Cidade Universitária, MG, 37715-400
      Conveners: Pedro Jeronimo Santos da Silva, Silas Guida Vilhena
    • Outreach Section 1 CERVEJARIA GONÇALVES


      Av. Mansur Fraiha, 647 - Jardim Elizabete, Poços de Caldas - MG, 37704-355


    • Seminar 1: Searches for neutrino emission from compact binary mergers Building F Auditorium

      Building F Auditorium

      Universidade Federal de Alfenas (UNIFAL-MG)

      Rodovia José Aurélio Vilela,BR 267, Km 533 11999 - Cidade Universitária, MG, 37715-400


      Convener: Mathieu Lamoureux (UCLouvain)
    • Coffee Break
    • Seminar 2: Giuseppe Greco Building F Auditorium

      Building F Auditorium

      Universidade Federal de Alfenas (UNIFAL-MG)

      Rodovia José Aurélio Vilela,BR 267, Km 533 11999 - Cidade Universitária, MG, 37715-400


    • Lunch
    • Seminar 3: Outreach on Gravitational Waves Building F Auditorium

      Building F Auditorium

      Universidade Federal de Alfenas (UNIFAL-MG)

      Rodovia José Aurélio Vilela,BR 267, Km 533 11999 - Cidade Universitária, MG, 37715-400
      Convener: Isabel Cordero-Carriòn (Univerty of Valencia)
    • Mini course on Gravitational Waves. Lecture 3: Understanding gravitational waves from coalescing black holes with basic physics. Part 3. Building F Auditorium

      Building F Auditorium

      Universidade Federal de Alfenas (UNIFAL-MG)

      Rodovia José Aurélio Vilela,BR 267, Km 533 11999 - Cidade Universitária, MG, 37715-400
      Convener: Mr Silas Vilhena (ITA)
    • Mini course on Gravitational Waves. Lecture 4: Introduction to Quasinormal Modes in Schwarzschild Black Holes Building F Auditorium

      Building F Auditorium

      Universidade Federal de Alfenas (UNIFAL-MG)

      Rodovia José Aurélio Vilela,BR 267, Km 533 11999 - Cidade Universitária, MG, 37715-400

      Quasinormal modes and gravitational waves

      Convener: Prof. Léo Gouvea Medeiros (UFRN)
    • Mini course on Gravitational Waves. Lecture 5: Stochastic background of gravitational waves Building F Auditorium

      Building F Auditorium

      Universidade Federal de Alfenas (UNIFAL-MG)

      Rodovia José Aurélio Vilela,BR 267, Km 533 11999 - Cidade Universitária, MG, 37715-400

      Analogous models of gravitation and gravitational waves.

      Convener: Prof. Marcio Eduardo da Silva Alves (UNESP)
    • Oral Comunication: Exploring the Higher-Order Extension of Starobinsky Inflation: Dynamics and Reheating Building F Auditorium

      Building F Auditorium

      Universidade Federal de Alfenas (UNIFAL-MG)

      Rodovia José Aurélio Vilela,BR 267, Km 533 11999 - Cidade Universitária, MG, 37715-400

      Higher-order theories of gravity are extensions to general relativity motivated mainly by high-energy physics searching for general relativity ultraviolet completeness. They are characterized by the inclusion of correction terms in the Einstein-Hilbert action that leads to higher-order field equations. In particular, we are interested in analyzing higher-order extension of Starobinsky inflation, namely, R³ and R□R. We investigate inflation within the Friedmann cosmological background, where we study the phase space of the model, as well as explore inflation in slow-roll leading-order. Furthermore, we describe the evolution of scalar perturbations. Finally, we confront the proposed model with recent observations from Planck, BICEP3/Keck, and BAO data.

      Convener: Mr Jeremias Bezerra-Sobrinho (UFRN)
    • Oral Comunication: Dense nuclear matter in the era of multimensenger astronomy Building F Auditorium

      Building F Auditorium

      Universidade Federal de Alfenas (UNIFAL-MG)

      Rodovia José Aurélio Vilela,BR 267, Km 533 11999 - Cidade Universitária, MG, 37715-400

      The equation of state (EoS) of compact objects incorporate ingredients that are dependent on adjustable parameters and existing simulations allow for a wide range of energy and pressure densities, temperatures and electromagnetic fields. There is a pursuit for an EoS that adequately describes the properties expected according to theoretical nuclear physics and are also compatible with astrophysical observations. Astrophysical data made available by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory/Virgo, such as events GW170817 and GW1900425, as well as traces of radioactive decay due to nucleosynthesis processes after merger of neutron stars (as the ones registered due to Kilonova event AT2017gfo), can impose restrictions on the maximum mass and radius that can be observed for these compact objects. In this talk, we will present a review of the current literature on how some nuclear physical quantities can be constrained from multi-messenger astronomical data.

      Convener: Prof. Ronai Machado Lisboa (UFRN)
    • Outreach Section 2: Sky observation with telescopes. Cervejaria Gonçalves | Bar e Restaurante da Rampa

      Cervejaria Gonçalves | Bar e Restaurante da Rampa

      Rampa de Voo Livre - Estrada da Pedra Balão, 3200 - Chacara Santa Barbara, Poços de Caldas - MG, 37701-511. Link:https://maps.app.goo.gl/JV387H7L72XZ44Ku5

      Come observe Saturn's rings and moons, lunar craters and other interesting objects. Chat with the researchers and answer all your questions about the origin and evolution of the Universe.