15–17 Feb 2023
Università di Pisa - Dipartimento di Fisica
Europe/Rome timezone

The search for the X17 particle with the MEG-II apparatus

16 Feb 2023, 19:00
1h 30m
Sala delle Baleari (Palazzo Gambacorti)

Sala delle Baleari

Palazzo Gambacorti

Via degli Uffizi, 1


Hicham Benmansour (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)


The angular correlation distribution of electron-positron pairs from Internal Pair Conversion emitted by excited 8Be and 4He nucleus was measured by ATOMKI. Over the expected monotonically decreasing trend was measured a significant excess which can be interpreted as the production of a hypothetical particle (X17) whose mass is around 17 MeV.

The MEG-II experiment at the Paul Scherrer Institute searches for the lepton flavour violating decay μeγ. Its apparatus has the capability to reproduce the ATOMKI measurements in order to confirm or deny such excess in an independent manner. A Cockroft-Walton accelerator is used to send 1 MeV protons on a thin lithium target in order to produce 8Be by proton capture. The 7Li(p,e+e−)8Be process can be studied with a system composed a cylindrical drift chamber and fast scintillators immersed into a magnetic field, aiming at a better invariant mass resolution than the previous experiment.

A first data-taking period was conducted in 2022 and a second one is scheduled for 2023. We report here the first results on the analysis of 2022 data.

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