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EURO-LABS (European-Laboratories for Accelerator Based Sciences), is a four year project funded in the Horizon Europe program of the European commission. Thirty-nine Research Infrastructures (RIs) from twelve countries in Europe from Finland in the north and Italy to south to Romania in the east and Portugal in the west form the EURO-LABS consortium. It represents a pioneering step in bringing together, at the European level, the nuclear physics and the high-energy physics (HEP) accelerator and detector communities. This will result in a cross-fertilization of these disciplines by providing access to a wide range of accelerator facilities to do frontline science enhancing existing synergies and collaborations. The quest of the community is the pursuit of excellent science in the nuclear and HEP domains, including their important role in applications and technology. The project builds on the experience gained from previous separate projects run separately by the HEP and Nuclear Physics communities.
EURO-LABS will provide efficient access to researchers/engineers and technicians to available resources at a major fraction of EUROpean Laboratories for Accelerator Based Sciences. It will provide information to the large and diverse community of users to choose the most appropriate state-of-the-art Research infrastructures RI(s) for conducting high impact research, fostering the sharing of knowledge and technologies in and across scientific fields through streamlined procedures and improved technical conditions. EURO-LABS represents an implementation at the grass root level of the very recent initiative for increasing the interaction between ECFA and NuPECC enhancing existing synergies and collaborations.
The goal of KOM EURO-LABS is to mark the start of this project (Sept 1st 2022) by physically bringing together for the first time the participants who will contribute to the success of this common endeavour and discover/strengthen the synergies between our communities. The various discussions and presentations will address all aspects and steps for an optimum running and maximizing the output of EURO-LABS for our three communities. The first meeting of the Governing Board will be a part of this meeting.