28 September 2020 to 2 October 2020
Online event
Europe/Rome timezone

Industry Career Panel


Moderator: Marco Barbieri (Università di Roma Tre)


Matteo Bina (Applied Materials Italia)

Matteo got the PhD in Physics in 2010 at Università degli Studi di Milano, defending a thesis in Quantum Optics on generalizations of the Jaynes-Cummings and Rabi models, and on open quantum systems for entanglement transfer. 
He moved to Università degli Studi dell’Insubria (Como) for his first post-doc on experimental studies on Ghost Imaging in turbid media. 
Back to Milano, he renewed two post-docs to work in the group of Prof. Matteo Paris and Prof. Stefano Olivares on cutting-edge quantum technologies and fundamental limits of precision for quantum parameter estimation. In particular, his research focused on quantum optical interferometric systems for quantum communication, seeking optimal phase estimation schemes; on the other hand, he studied critical quantum systems for optimal parameter estimation and quantum probing, both discrete and continuous variable systems, for quantum thermometry.
The need for someone with expertise in quantum information and computing for an European FET Open Project on semiconductor-based qubits, brought him into the italian R&D division of a multinational company, Applied Materials. Matteo now holds a permanent position to work on quantum solutions for a multi-scale simulation software for nano-scaled semiconductor devices.


Federico Mattei (IBM)

For over ten years, Federico has been involved in designing and developing innovative projects for the financial services sector and has a solid experience in mobile, cognitive, social, collaboration and analytics solutions. Today he manages innovation and technical team at IBM Italy. He is also working on Fintech ecosystem and collaborates with IBM Research division on quantum computing as IBM Quantum Ambassador. Mattei is a Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics at La Sapienza University in Rome. He joined IBM as a specialist in mobile computing projects, during the first year of work he obtained a Master in Business Management at the Politecnico di Milano.




Roberto Siagri (Eurotech)


Roberto Siagri è stato uno dei fondatori di Eurotech Spa dove ricopre la carica di Amministratore Delegato. Vanta una ventennale esperienza nel settore dell'ICT e durante la sua carriera professionale ha ricoperto vari ruoli: dalla progettazione di sistemi digitali, alla pianificazione strategica. Come AD di Eurotech si dedica con enfasi ai temi dell'internazionalizzazione e dello sviluppo di nuovi modelli di business abilitati dalla digitalizzazione. Attento ai temi dell'innovazione tecnologica e agli impatti futuri delle tecnologie, collabora anche con Università ed Enti nella definizione degli indirizzi strategici.   Ha la Laurea in Fisica ottenuta presso l'Università degli Studi di Trieste.




 Niccolò Somaschi (Quandela)

Dr. Niccolo Somaschi holds a Ph.D degree in physics from the University of Southampton (UK); he then moved to France to work as post-doctorate researcher in the field of quantum photonics at the Centre of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, a research laboratory part of the national research institute CNRS. During these years he contributed to the developments of solid-state single-photon sources, bringing the performance of such devices to the current state-of-the-art.Following this work, in 2017 he co-founded Quandela, a company providing the most efficient commercial sources of quantum light which serve as key-enabling technologies to scale up optical quantum computing and quantum communication protocols. Author of several scientific publications in large impact factor journals he currently holds the position of CTO at Quandela, managing a team of 8 people and following several R&D programs, partnerships and customers at the international level.