Moderator: Prof. Rosario Fazio (ICTP)
Marcello Dalmonte (ICTP)
Dr. Marcello Dalmonte is staff scientist at the International Center for Theoretical physics in Trieste. Before holding this post, he graduated from the University of Bologna in 2011, and was a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Innsbruck. He has worked on several problems at the interface between traditional condensed matter theory and synthetic quantum systems. He has an interdisciplinary, broad-span track record in those fields, encompassing field theoretical, computational, and quantum engineering aspects. Some of his recent interests include the use of quantum simulators to tackle high-energy physics problems (gauge theories), the study of entanglement properties of quantum matter (including protocols to measure such properties in experiments), and the physics of strongly correlated, synthetic quantum matter.
Giovanna Morigi (Universität des Saarlandes)
Giovanna Morigi, Dr. rer. nat., studied physics at the University of Pisa, from which she received the Laurea. She did her PhD studies at the University of Innsbruck, Austria, and got the Habilitation in theoretical physics from the University of Ulm, Germany. She has been awarded the Ramon-y-Cajal fellowship by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science and the Heisenberg Professorship by the German Research Foundation. Since 2009 she is professor of theoretical physics at Saarland University, Germany.
Saverio Pascazio (Università di Bari)
Saverio Pascazio is Professor of Theoretical Physics at the University of Bari. He is the author of about 250 research papers and 2 books and the Coordinator of Research Projects of the European Union, the Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare (INFN). He is Panelist and Referee of the European Union, Panelist of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada and General Chair of the Optical Society of America (OSA) for activities and conferences on Quantum Information and Communication.
Fabio Sciarrino (La Sapienza Università di Roma)
Fabio Sciarrino is Full Professor at the Physics Department of the University of Rome La Sapienza and Senior Research Fellow at the International School for Advanced Studies Sapienza, SSAS. He is Principal Investigator of the Quantum Information Lab, Department of Physics, Sapienza University of Rome ( His main expertise is experimental quantum optics, computation and quantum information, and foundations of quantum mechanics. In recent years his research activity has focused on the implementation of quantum information protocols via integrated photonic circuits, with particular interest for Boson Sampling, a non-universal computational model with promising characteristics to achieve the quantum supremacy regime.