Multi-frequency to Multi-messenger: The new sight of the Universe

Rocca di Sant'Apollinare

Rocca di Sant'Apollinare

c.o. Atelier Alfonso Fratteggiani Bianchi. Località Spina, Marsciano, Perugia

The first direct detection of a Gravitational Wave event (GW) by the recently upgraded LIGO and VIRGO opened a new era in astronomy. 
During the first and second observing run, several events compatible with the signal expected from the merger of two stellar mass black holes were discovered. Short gamma-ray bursts (sGRBs) are thought to be associated with such systems, which strongly motivate the search for electromagnetic (EM) counterparts to GW events. Confirmation of the connection between sGRBs and compact binary coalescence was provided on 2017 August 17 when LVC triggered on a compact binary merger candidate  coincident in time with a GRB (GRB 170817A) detected by the Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM). The joint GW-EM detection has provided the first compelling observational evidence of the relationship of sGRBs to neutron star binary coalescence events and has ushered in an exciting era of multi-messenger astronomy. Fermi-GBM is currently the most prolific detector of sGRBs and the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT), even though it has a lower detection rate for sGRB, can provide sub degree localizations, making a rapid follow-up by other space- and ground-based instruments possible. The quest for an EM counterpart will likely involve the broad EM spectrum, from radio, to optical, X-rays and gamma-rays, engaging different facilities from different institutions.
In addition to this, the connection between Neutrino and gamma ray astronomy is also emerging, as the possible association between the detection of high-energy neutrino by the Ice Cube detector with a gamma-ray flaring Blazar has been recently reported.

During this workshop, scientist with different background, from data analysis to pure theory, will work together in preparation for the next LIGO/Virgo observing cycle, discussing new results and proposing new ideas for improving the multi-messenger/multi-wavelength connection.  

This workshop is funded by a grant from the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation


Registration Form
  • Alessandra Berretta
  • Barbara Patricelli
  • Benedetta Mestichelli
  • Carlo Stanghellini
  • Cristiano Palomba
  • Dafne Guetta
  • Dario Gasparrini
  • Elisabetta Bissaldi
  • Fabio Fuschino
  • Francesco de Palma
  • Francesco Verrecchia
  • Gino Tosti
  • Giovanna Senatore
  • Giuseppe Greco
  • Isabella Mereu
  • Lorenzo Amati
  • Lorenzo Scotton
  • Luca Alunni
  • Luca Foffano
  • Marcello Giroletti
  • Maria Edvige Ravasio
  • Markus Ackermann
  • Matteo Bezmalinovich
  • Melissa Pesce Rollins
  • Miloš Kovacevic
  • Niccolò Di Lalla
  • Nicola Omodei
  • Paola Leaci
  • Paolo Padovani
  • Pasquale Lubrano
  • Sara Cutini
  • Serena Loporchio
  • Silvia Piranomonte
  • Simone Garrappa
  • Stefano Ciprini
  • Stefano Covino
  • Tito Dal Canton
  • Tristano Di Girolamo
  • Vincenzo Antonuccio
    • Introduction
    • Plenary Session: Gravitational Waves Follow-up with Fermi-LAT
      Convener: Sara Cutini
    • 11:10
      Coffee break
    • Plenary Session: Neutrino Follow-up
      Convener: Giovanna Senatore
    • 12:55
    • Plenary Session: Gravitational Waves Follow-up
      Convener: Dario Gasparrini
      • 8
        The role of Fermi-GBM in the multimessenger era
        Speaker: Elisabetta Bissaldi
      • 9
        O3 Fermi-LAT follow-up results
        Speaker: Niccolò Di Lalla
      • 10
        Strategies to Follow-Up Gravitational Wave Transients with the Cherenkov Telescope Array
        Speaker: Tristano Di Girolamo (INFN Naple)
      • 11
        Observation of compact binary mergers with LIGO, Virgo and Fermi/GBM
        Speaker: Tito Dal Canton
    • 15:45
      Coffee break
    • Plenary Session: Multi-messenger
      Convener: Melissa Pesce Rollins
      • 12
        Multiscale relativistic jets modelling with FLASH-HARM joint simulations.
        Speaker: Vincenzo Antonuccio
      • 13
        Recent progresses in the GRB prompt emission spectral modelling
        Speaker: Ravasio Maria Edvige
      • 14
        PGwave parameters study for the GW follow-up with Fermi-LAT
        Speaker: Alessandra Berretta
      • 15
        Study and revelation of new transient sources in the extragalactic sky
        Speaker: Isabella Mereu
      • 16
    • 17:55
      Wine Tasting - Cantine Raina, Calcabrina cheeses and Umbrian cured meats
    • Plenary Session: Gravitational Waves
      Convener: Gino Tosti
    • 11:20
      Coffee break
    • Plenary Session: Multi-messenger
      Convener: Nicola Omodei
      • 21
        Neutrinos from a blazar jet and the birth of non-stellar neutrino Astronomy
        Speaker: Paolo Giommi (ASI)
      • 22
        Searching for gamma-ray counterparts to gravitational waves from merging binary neutron stars with the Cherenkov Telescope Array
        Speaker: Barbara Petricelli
      • 23
        Italian follow-up observations of GW triggers in the Multi-Messenger Era
        Speaker: Silvia Piranomonte
      • 24
        Compact radio emission indicates a structured jet was produced by GW 170817
        Speaker: Marcello Giroletti
      • 25
        Working with Gravitational-Wave sky localizations: new methods and implementations
        Speaker: Giuseppe Greco
    • 13:25
    • Plenary Session: New facilities and telescope for the multimessenger-era

      Discussing Tables

      Convener: Isabella Mereu
    • 16:05
      Coffee break
    • Plenary Session: Working groups

      Discussing Tables

    • Public Event Aula Magna Agraria

      Aula Magna Agraria

      San Pietro - Perugia
      • 29
        Marica Branchesi
        Speaker: Marica Branchesi
      • 30
        Eugenio Coccia with piano Artist
        Speaker: Eugenio Coccia