2nd JENNIFER Summer School on Particle Physics and Detectors

Leonardo Building, Euler Lecture Hall (International Centre for Theoretical Physics)

Leonardo Building, Euler Lecture Hall

International Centre for Theoretical Physics

Strada Costiera 11, Trieste, Italy
Diego Tonelli (TS)

We welcome 30 international undergraduate physics students for a week of lectures in the pleasant Trieste summertime. Students will be introduced to modern concepts in particle physics and instrumentation, with special focus on the theory of flavor and neutrino physics and associated experimental techniques.

Lecture topics include flavor dynamics, CP violation and flavor mixing in leptons and quarks, rare heavy-flavor decays and study of exotic particles with emphasis on those processes and experimental techniques most promising for revealing non-standard-model physics.
The school venue and accomodation is the ICTP campus, located closeby the sea in the outskirts of Trieste. The lectures are scheduled Monday, July 30 morning through Friday, August 3, noon in the Euler Lecture Hall of the Leonardo Building at the ICTP.
The social program includes a half-day excursion and a dinner in downtown Trieste.
The school fully covers accomodation and meals and offers limited travel support.
Contact  jennifer-school@lists.infn.it 

The school is funded by JENNIFER (Japan and Europe Network for Neutrino and Intensity Frontier Experimental Research), an MSCA-RISE project funded by the European Union, under grant n.644294.
We thank Consorzio per la Fisica di Trieste, INFN Trieste, and ICTP for additional support.