- Stuart Mangles (Imperial College London)
- Deepa Angal-Kalinin (STFC, Daresbury Laboratory)
- Stuart Mangles (Imperial College London)
- Deepa Angal-Kalinin (STFC, Daresbury Laboratory)
- Deepa Angal-Kalinin (STFC, Daresbury Laboratory)
- Stuart Mangles (Imperial College London)
- Deepa Angal-Kalinin (STFC, Daresbury Laboratory)
- Stuart Mangles (Imperial College London)
- Stuart Mangles (Imperial College London)
- Deepa Angal-Kalinin (STFC, Daresbury Laboratory)
- Deepa Angal-Kalinin (STFC, Daresbury Laboratory)
- Stuart Mangles (Imperial College London)
Jinqing Yu
(Peking University)
26/09/2017, 16:00
WG4 - Applications of Compact and High-Gradient Accelerators
In this work, we propose a novel method to generate high charge (~1nC) attosecond (<200 attosecond) electron bunch by the near-threshold self-injection mechanism in wakefield acceleration with current-generation laser, and demonstrate the ability to generate an ultra-brilliance (> 2 ร1024 photons s-1 mm-2 mrad-2 0.1%BW) attosecond (<200 attosecond) gamma-ray (Emax > 3 MeV) pulse via nonlinear...
Brendan Kettle
(Imperial College London)
26/09/2017, 16:15
WG4 - Applications of Compact and High-Gradient Accelerators
Measuring accurate and detailed information from energetic and dense plasmas, like those present in the core of large planets or inertial confinement fusion targets for example, presents a significant challenge. Within the laboratory frame, many of the key processes that govern these states occur over rapid time scales (femtoseconds or less), and due to the dense nature of such samples, many...
Jason Cole
(Imperial College London)
26/09/2017, 16:30
WG4 - Applications of Compact and High-Gradient Accelerators
Laser wakefield acceleration has been established in recent years as a proven method for the generation of electron beams up to the GeV scale in a compact laboratory setting. The oscillation of the electrons inside the plasma accelerator causes the emission of hard x-ray beams with short duration and high photon number. The effective x-ray source size is very small, typically near 1 micron,...
Johannes Goetzfried
(Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich)
26/09/2017, 16:45
WG4 - Applications of Compact and High-Gradient Accelerators
We present recent results on betatron X-ray production and application in laser wakefield accelerators. After upgrading the Atlas Laser to 300TW, we have managed to produce electron beams of increased charge and energy, which accordingly leads to bright betatron X-rays. We detected up to 10^9 photons per shot with an average energy of 20 keV, which is sufficient to penetrate macroscopic...
Daniel Ullmann
(University of Strathclyde)
26/09/2017, 18:00
WG4 - Applications of Compact and High-Gradient Accelerators
Space radiation is a major obstacle for space exploration and makes radiation hardness assurance (RHA) an essential part of any space mission. The broadband nature of the radiations energy profile is a particularly challenging characteristic to recreate in the laboratory environment. Current testing relies on monoenergetic sources and so is unable to recreate all relevant conditions for RHA....
Jason Cole
(Imperial College London)
26/09/2017, 18:15
WG4 - Applications of Compact and High-Gradient Accelerators
The dynamics of energetic particles in strong electromagnetic fields can be strongly influenced by radiation reaction, and today's lasers are sufficiently intense to explore the transition between the classical and quantum radiation reaction regimes. Here, we report on the observation of radiation reaction in the collision of an ultra-relativistic electron beam generated by laser wakefield...
Luca Serafini
26/09/2017, 18:30
WG4 - Applications of Compact and High-Gradient Accelerators
The conceptual design of a compact source of GeV-class muons is presented, based on a plasma based electron-gamma collider. Evaluations of muon flux, spectra and brilliance are presented, carried out with ad-hoc montecarlo simulations of the electron-gamma collisions. These are analyzed in the context of a large spread of the invariant mass in the e-gamma interaction, due to the typical...
Thomas ANDRE
(Synchroron SOLEIL)
27/09/2017, 16:00
WG4 - Applications of Compact and High-Gradient Accelerators
The ERC Advanced Grant COXINEL aims at demonstrating free electron laser (FEL) amplification based on laser plasma accelerator (LPA) source. Due to the large energy spread and high divergence, in comparison to conventional accelerators, a 10 m long transport line was designed to preserve and improve the beam qualities. A triplet of permanent magnet variable gradient quadrupoles (QUAPEVA)...
Amin Ghaith
27/09/2017, 16:15
WG4 - Applications of Compact and High-Gradient Accelerators
Laser Plasma Acceleration (LPA) is capable of producing a GeV beam within a centimetre accelerating distance, but with a rather high initial divergence and large energy spread. COXINEL aims to demonstrate a compact Free Electron Laser using such a source, where a specific transport line with adequate elements is used, such as tunable high gradient quadrupoles for handling the divergence. An...
Cristina Vaccarezza
27/09/2017, 16:45
WG4 - Applications of Compact and High-Gradient Accelerators
In the framework of the Eupraxia Design Study an advanced accelerator facility EUPRAXIA at SPARC_LAB has been proposed to be realized at Frascati (Italy) Laboratories of INFN. Two advanced acceleration schemes will be applied, namely an ultimate high gradient 1 GeV X-band linac together with a plasma acceleration stage to provide accelerating gradients of the GeV/m order.
A FEL scheme is...
Andreas Maier
27/09/2017, 18:00
WG4 - Applications of Compact and High-Gradient Accelerators
We discuss the commissioning and present first experimental results from the LUX Beamline for plasma-driven undulator radiation. This beamline is built within a close collaboration of the University of Hamburg and DESY, combining university research with the tools and expertise of a large accelerator facility as a sound basis for robust performance for applications. In this talk we will give...
Shigeru Yamamoto
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), Photon Factory)
27/09/2017, 18:15
WG4 - Applications of Compact and High-Gradient Accelerators
We are exploring a novel method to fabricate undulator magnets having a very short period. Here, very short period means periods one order-of-magnitude shorter than the ordinary period of several cm.Two types of the magnet plates 100mm and 152mm long with 4-mm period length have been successfully fabricated.They produce an undulator field of approximately 4kG at a gap of 1.6mm. A connection...
Christian Werle
(University of Hamburg Center for Free-Electron Laser Science)
27/09/2017, 18:30
WG4 - Applications of Compact and High-Gradient Accelerators
The LUX Experiment is a dedicated beamline for the generation of laser-plasma driven undulator radiation and built in a close collaboration of the University of Hamburg and DESY. After the first electron beams from LUX in 2016, we upgraded the beamline with a new beam transport and additional diagnostics, a miniature undulator and an x-ray spectrometer. Commissioning of the upgrade started in...
Patrizio Antici
(Institut Lumiere Extreme)
28/09/2017, 16:00
WG4 - Applications of Compact and High-Gradient Accelerators
We present a method for the synthesis of micro-crystals and micro-structured surfaces using laser-accelerated protons. In this method, a solid surface material having a low melting temperature is irradiated with laser-generated protons for only a few tens of ps, provoking in the ablation process thermodynamic conditions that are between the boiling and the critical point. The intense and very...
Massimiliano Sciscio'
28/09/2017, 16:15
WG4 - Applications of Compact and High-Gradient Accelerators
This work introduces the first use of laser-generated proton beams as diagnostic for materials of interest in the domain of Cultural Heritage. Using laser-accelerated protons, as generated by interaction of a high-power short-pulse laser with a solid target, we can produce proton-induced X-ray emission
spectroscopies (PIXE). By irradiating a material sample with a high proton flux, we are...
Giuliana Giuseppina Milluzzo
28/09/2017, 16:30
WG4 - Applications of Compact and High-Gradient Accelerators
The ELIMED (ELI-Beamlines for MEDical and multidisciplinary application) beamline is being developed at LNS-INFN with the aim of focus, transport and select in energy proton and ion beams accelerated by laser-matter interaction at ELI-Beamlines (Prague, CZ). A Monte Carlo simulation has been developed to support the design of the beamline in terms of particle transport efficiency, optimize the...
Alessandro Cianchi
28/09/2017, 16:45
WG4 - Applications of Compact and High-Gradient Accelerators
Several experiments of neutron generation using high intensity laser sources, with a power exceeding 10^19W/cm^2 via TNSA (Target Normal Sheath Acceleration) or other similar methods, have been performed in the past years in different laboratories. However, so far there is no one running neutron source based on such a technology. In the framework of the Conceptual Report Design of a new...
Brendan Dromey
(Queen's University Belfast)
28/09/2017, 17:00
WG4 - Applications of Compact and High-Gradient Accelerators
Bursts of laser driven protons have recently been shown to provide the basis for the study of ultrafast ion-matter interactions in both solid [1] and liquid [2] states. This is allowing the first real time study of the evolution of a key species in of water chemistry - the solvated electron. Formed when polar water molecules re-orientate to shield the charge of free ionised electrons, the...
Patrizio Antici
28/09/2017, 17:15
WG4 - Applications of Compact and High-Gradient Accelerators
Laser-driven proton acceleration, obtained by irradiation of a solid by an ultra-intense (I>10e18 W/cm2) short pulse (duration<1 ps) laser, is a growing field of interest, in particular for its manifold potential applications in different fields. In this letter, we provide first experimental evidence that laser-generated protons can be used for stress testing materials and are particularly...
A. Fahim Habib
(SUPA, University of Strathclyde, Department of Physics, Glasgow, UK and Cockcroft Institute, Sci-Tech Daresbury.)
28/09/2017, 18:00
WG4 - Applications of Compact and High-Gradient Accelerators
Plasma photocathode wakefield acceleration ("Trojan Horse") paves a way to deliver electron beams with ultralow emittance, multi-kA peak current, and GeV-class beam energy within a single plasma stage. This consequently leads to ultrahigh 5D-brightness orders of magnitude beyond of the state-of-the-art. However, an intrinsic by-product of the ultrahigh accelerating field gradients inherent to...
Thomas Audet
(Laboratoire de Physique des Gaz et des Plasmas, CNRS-Universitรฉ Paris-Sud, 91405 Orsay)
28/09/2017, 18:15
WG4 - Applications of Compact and High-Gradient Accelerators
The EuPRAXIA project aims to study the design of a linear electron accelerator based on high-gradient plasma acceleration. Both RF and laser plasma injectors are considered to generate electron beams at the 200 MeV level. Generated electrons bunches would then be further accelerated up to 5 GeV in a plasma structure and distributed to two user areas.
In particular, this project includes the...
Alexander Koehler
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden - Rossendorf)
28/09/2017, 18:30
WG4 - Applications of Compact and High-Gradient Accelerators
Laser-plasma wakefield accelerators have shown generation of quasi-monoenergetic (QME) electron bunches with reaching to multiple GeVs range. Scaling the accelerated charge within the QME bunch from pC to nC is one of the important issues for many applications. This high charge naturally brings laser wakefield in the so-called beam loading regime, which can deteriorate the beam quality if not...
Nuno Candeias Lemos
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
28/09/2017, 18:45
WG4 - Applications of Compact and High-Gradient Accelerators
An application of compact, high-gradient laser-wakefield accelerators is the development of novel light sources. They have potential for many applications, including high energy density sciences, where they can be used as probes to explore the physics of dense plasmas and warm dense matter. Our recent experimental and theoretical work shows that we can use three mechanisms to produce high...