Sep 24 – 30, 2017
La Biodola, Isola d'Elba
Europe/Rome timezone

Important Dates

Important Dates

May 26th pre-registration DEADLINE (all participants must first pre-register), deadline for students grant applications and abstracts submissions.
  June 15th extended deadline for abstracts submissions
June 30th  Invitation letters will be sent out to all participants and successful students grants. In case the maximum number of attendees is exceeded we will also inform applicants with rejected pre-registration
July 15th  extended deadline for early registration and fee payment 450,00€ (after that date and on site 500,00€)
August 21st 
deadline for registration and deadline for hotel reservation (after that date, space will be subject to availability only). Decision on additional invitation letters
September 24th  arrival of EAAC2017 participants
September 25th - 29th  working days
September 30th  departure of EAAC2017 participants and EuroNNAc meeting
November 20th  deadline for workshop proceedings submission