Sep 24 – 30, 2017
La Biodola, Isola d'Elba
Europe/Rome timezone

Spectral and spatial shaping of a laser-accelerated proton beam for radiation biology applications

Sep 25, 2017, 7:00 PM
SE, Sala Elena, HH

SE, Sala Elena, HH

talk WG2 - Ion Beams from Plasmas WG2_Parallel


Dr Alessandro Flacco (LOA/ENSTA)


Laser accelerated proton beams have an extremely high peak current and a total charge per shot in the order of nC. However, their wide divergence and continuous spectra make their application to target irradiation difficult. On the SAPHIR laser (LOA) we used a set of permanent magnet quadrupoles to focus the proton beam to a wide irradiation area for in vitro irradiation studies. Absolutely calibrated online dosimetry provides control on the stability of irradiation conditions. Our study represents a step forward in the practical use of laser-accelerated ion beams, and opens the way to the exploration of radiation biology at dose rates exceeding 10⁸ Gy/s.

Primary author

Dr Alessandro Flacco (LOA/ENSTA)


Dr Benjamin Vauzour (CEA, DAM, DIF, F-91297 Arpajon, France) Dr Catérine Nauraye (Institut Curie—Centre de Protonthérapie d’Orsay) Prof. Eric Deutsch (INSERM U1030, Gustave Roussy–Cancer Campus–Grand Paris) Dr Farid Goudjil (Institut Curie—Centre de Protonthérapie d’Orsay) Francesco Romano (LNS) Francesco Schillaci (LNS) Dr Fréderic Pouzoulet (Institut Curie, Translational Research Department) Dr Frédérique Mégnin-Chanet (INSERM U1030, Gustave Roussy–Cancer Campus–Grand Paris) Giuseppe Cirrone (LNS) Mr Loann Pommarel (Laboratoire d'Optique Appliquée, ENSTA-Paris Tech / École Polytechnique / CNRS) Dr Olivier Delmas (LOA/École Polytechnique) Dr Valentina Scuderi (LNS) Prof. Victor Malka (LOA) Dr Virgile Letellier (Institut Curie—Centre de Protonthérapie d’Orsay) Dr Émilie Bayart (LOA/École Polytechnique)

Presentation materials