Oct 25 – 30, 2009
Verona, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Oral & Poster Presentations - Instructions

Instructions for Oral and Poster Presentations

Oral Presentation Instructions

The total duration of each oral presentation, including questions and answers, must be of
• 60 minutes (45 min talk + 15 min discussion) for the Refresher courses
• 30 minutes (25 min talk + 5 min discussion) for the Invited talks
• 20 minutes (15 min talk + 5 min discussion) for the Selected Contributed presentations

Session Chairs will guarantee the session schedule strictly.

Presentation files may be created in Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt) or Adobe Acrobat (.pdf). Movies or animations have to run using MPEG, Windows Media Player, Macromedia Flash Player, Apple QuickTime or RealPlayer.

All Speakers are kindly requested to use the conference PC for their own talk. The use of the personal laptops will be not allowed.
All Speakers should give their own presentation file (power point file) at the conference desk as soon as possible, preferably when register or at least the session before the talk, to leave time to copy and verify the presentation to the conference PC.

All speakers are requested to operate the slides by themselves.

Poster Preparation Instructions

Poster dimensions should not exceed 90 cm in width and 130 cm in height.
These dimensions are the largest available for mounting the poster whether a single integrated poster or a set of charts

There should be a header of appropriate letter size, giving the title of the presentation (suggested letter size: 25 mm approx), authors (letter size:15 mm approx), institutions (letter size: 15 mm approx), state (letter size: 15 mm approx), country (letter size: 15 mm approx).
Letters of text as well as of tables and figures captions must be at least 7 mm in size and should be clearly legible from a distance of 1.5 meters.

The poster should indicate objectives of study, used techniques, results, discussion/conclusions and references.

Posters must be displayed throughout the entire Symposium (from Sunday/Monday October 24/25 to Friday October 30). Each presentation will be assigned a space and will be clearly identified by a ID label (as reported in the book of abstracts to be distributed to all Registrants at the Conference site).

It is responsibility of the Presenting Authors to post their own posters on the assigned poster board space.

Poster boards will be available along with the necessary mounting hardware.

Poster Sessions will be on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon.
Presenting Authors of Posters with odd numbers must attend their own posters during the entire Session on Tuesday.
Presenting Authors of Posters with even numbers must attend their own posters during the entire Session on Thursday.

It is responsibility of the Presenting Authors to remove their own posters on Friday Oct. 30 afternoon.
The Organizers will not be responsible for the loss of the poster after removal time.

The Authors are suggested to have copies (at reduced size) of the poster (mini-poster) or other material to be given to interested viewers.