Oct 25โ€‰โ€“โ€‰30, 2009
Verona, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone


Scientific Programme

Sunday, October 25, 2009

15.00-18.00    Registration at the “Congress Centre” – Hotel San Marco, Verona
                        Registration Desk will remain open from Monday Oct. 26 to Friday Oct. 30 throughout the Symposium Scientific Sessions.
17.30-19.00    Opening Cerimony:
                                   Opening Addresses
                                   Opening lecture: H.H Rossi Lecture: Herwig Paretzke, Germany
                                   Microdosimetry, Track Structures and their Impact on Radiation Risk Assessment
19.30               Welcome Party at the “Hotel San Marco”

Monday, October 26, 2009

8.15-9.15        Refresher Course:
                      Francis A. Cucinotta, USA
                      Nuclear interactions in heavy ion transport and event-based risk models
9.15-10.45      Session I - Physics and Chemistry of Radiation Tracks
                      Michael Dingfelder, USA (invited)           
                      Heavy ion track structure simulations in liquid water and bone
                      Ianik  Plante, USA
                      3D Visualization of Monte-Carlo simulation’s of HZE Track Structure and Initial Chemical Species 
                      Chantal Houée Levin, France
                      Do oxygen free radicals exert a retro-control on the production of superoxide ions by NADPH oxidase?
                      A radiolysis study
10.45               Coffee-Break
11.15-13.15    Session II - Modeling of Radiation Action
                      Werner Friedland, Germany (invited)
                      Mechanistic simulation of radiation damage to DNA and repair on the track
                      towards systems radiation biology modelling
                      Carmen Villagrasa, France
                     Track structure calculations at molecular scale for the undestranding of initial radio-induced damages in DNA
                     Shaowen Hu, USA
                     Computational study on full-length human Ku70 with double stranded DNA: dynamics, interactions and
                     functional implications
                                 Tatsuhiko Sato, Japan
                    Analysis of cell-survival-fraction data for various heavy ion irradiations based on the microdosimetric kinetic
                    model implemented in the PHITS code
In Memoriam: Aloke Chatterjee (1940-2009) 
Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff, USA
13.15               Lunch at the “Hotel San Marco”
14.30-16.00    Session III - DNA Damage Response and Radiation Quality       
                      Daniele Alloni, Italy
                      Monte Carlo evaluation of DNA fragmentation spectra induced by different radiation qualities
                      Giuseppe Schettino, UK
                      Spatio-temporal investigations of DNA damage repair using microbeam facilities
                      Yoshiya Furusawa, Japan
                      Misrepair of DNA Double Strand Breaks causes the peak of LET-RBE relationship on cell killing
                      Marlis Frankenberg-Schwager, Germany
                      Chromosomal instability induced by 29 kV mammography X-rays in cells from mutation carriers predisposed
                      to breast cancer
16.00               Coffee-Break
16.30-18.30    Session IV - DNA Damage by Auger Electrons
                      Amin I. Kassis, USA (invited)
                      Molecular and cellular radiobiological effects of Auger emitting radionuclides
                      Roger Howell, USA (invited)
                      Closing the gap between dose and effect for Auger electron and other internal emitters
                      Fang-yuh Hsu, Taiwan
                      Cellular dosimetry and microdosimetry for internal electron emitters

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

8.15-9.15        Refresher Course:
                      Peter O’Neill, UK
                      Radiation-induced DNA damage complexity and repair
9.15-11.00       Session V – Genomic Instability, Gene Expression and Signalling
                      Anna Saran, Italy (invited)
                      Long-range radiation damage to unexposed mouse brain: mechanisms and significance
                      Sally Amundson, USA (invited)
                      Radiation induced changes in gene expression: novel responses at low dose
                       Svetlana Sorokina, Russia
                       Delayed effects of chronic low-dose high-LET radiation on mice in vivo
                       Abdelrazek Abdelrazzak, UK
                       The importance of the radiation track structure in the stimulation of intercellular induction of apoptosis
                        in transformed cells following exposures of very low doses of high and low-LET radiation
11.00               Coffee-Break
11.30-13.00    Session VILow Dose Effects
                      Phil Hahnfeldt, USA  (invited)
                      Tissue population action in low dose cancer risk
                      Marianne Sowa, USA
                      Lack of evidence for low-LET radiation induced bystander response in normal human fibroblasts and colon
                      carcinoma cells 
                      Peter Jacob, Germany
                      Possible expression of a bystander effect with a dose threshold in lung cancer mortality of Mayak workers
                      Sergey Andreev, Russia
                      Dose response prediction for Radiation induced chromosomal instability
13.00               Lunch at the “Hotel San Marco”
14.30-16.00    Session VIIMicrobeams and Biological Applications
                      Kevin Prise, UK (invited)
                      Use of microbeams and biological findings. Review and critical comparison
                      Katsumi Kobayashi, Japan
                      Development of an X-ray microbeam system to irradiate cytoplasm only of mammalian cells using SR X-rays.

                      Guy Garty, USA
                      Design of a novel Flow-and Shoot (FAST) microbeam

16.00               Coffee-Break
16.30-18.30    Session VIII - POSTER SESSION

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

8.15-9.15        Refresher Course:
                      William Bonner, USA
                      H2AX phosphorylation in response to DNA double-strand break formation
9.15-11.00      Session IXRadiation Carcinogenesis
                      Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff, USA (invited)
                      Do non-targeted effects matter in radiation carcinogenesis?
                      David Brenner, USA (invited)
                      A new view of radiation-induced cancer
                      Harmen Bijwaard, Netherlands
                      Breast cancer risk due to mammography screening 
                      Markus Eidemüller, Germany
                      Breast cancer risk among Swedish hemangioma patients and possible consequences of radiation-induced
                      genomic instability
11.00               Coffee-Break
11.30-13.00     Session XPhysics and Radiobiology for Space Radiation Protection
                       Marco Durante, Germany (invited)
                       Cellular effects induced by energetic heavy ions: from DNA breaks to chromosomal rearrangements
                       Sylvain Costes, USA (invited)
                       Evidence of DSB clustering and consequences for Radiation Induced Foci kinetic for low and high LET
                      Gunther Reitz, Germany
                      Effective Dose Determination for Astronauts Using the MATROSHKA Experiment
13.00               Lunch at the “Hotel San Marco”
14.30-18.00    Social Tour

Thursday, October 29, 2009

8.15-9.15        Refresher Course:
                      Lennart Lindborg, Sweden
                      Microdosimetry and radiation quality determinations in medicine and
                      radiation protection
9.15-10.30      Session XI – Progress in Experimental Microdosimetry
                     Stefano Agosteo, Italy (invited)
                     Silicon microdosimetry
                     Yigal Horowitz, Israel
                     Thermoluminescence solid state nanodosimetry – The peak 5A/5 dosimeter
                     Vladimir Bashkirov, USA
                     Ion Time Projection Chamber for precise imaging of ionizing particle track structure
                     Stanislaw Pszona, Polonia
                     Single track nanodosimetry – from Track Ion Counter to Jet Counter
10.30               Coffee-Break
11.00-13.00    Session XII – (continuation of)  Progress in Experimental Microdosimetry
                      Delia Perez-Nunez, USA
                      Replacement Tissue Equivalent Proportional Counter for the International Space Station
                      Shiuchi Tsuda,
                      Microdosimetry for heavy ion beams using a Wall-Less Tissue Equivalent Proportional Counter
                      Katerina Brabcova,
Czech Republic
                      Spectrometry of linear energy transfer with track etched detectors in carbon ion beams, MONO and SOBP
                      Sofia Rollet,
                      Microdosimetric assessment of the biological quality of a therapeutic proton beam: comparison between
                      numerical simulation and experimental measurements
                      Anthony Waker,
                      Spectroscopic dosimetry with a Tissue Equivalent Proportional Counter for in vivo neutron activation facility
                      Akram Mohammadi,
                      Influence of voxel size on specific absorbed fractions in a mouse voxel phantom for photons and electrons
13.00               Lunch at the “Hotel San Marco”
14.30-16.00    Session XIII - Particle Radiotherapy
                      André Wambersie, Belgium (invited)
                      Isoeffect-dose: a concept for biological weighting of absorbed dose in
                      proton and heavier ion therapy
                      Thomas Friedrich, Germany
                      Impact of tissue type and effect level on RBE
                      Ivan Petrovic,
                      Interpretation of radiobiological results obtained after proton and carbon irradiations of melanoma cells using
                      numerical simulations with GEANT4 code
                      Francesca Ballarini, Italy
                      From radiation-induced chromosome damage to cell death: modelling basic mechanisms and applications to
                      Boron Neutron Capture Therapy
16.00               Coffee-Break
16.30-18.30    Session XIV - POSTER SESSION
20.30               Social Dinner 

Friday, October 30, 2009

8.15-9.15        Refresher Course:
                      Keith Baverstock, Finland
                      Can a systems approach help radiobiology?
9.15-10.45      Session XV Systems Biology
                      William Morgan, USA (invited)
                      New Experimental Techniques for Radiation Systems Biology: The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory’s
                      Integrated Systems Biology Effort to Understand Cancer Risks from Low Doses of Ionizing Radiation
                      Francis A. Cucinotta, USA (invited)
                      Biophysics Model of the ATM Signal Transduction Pathway
                      Gastone Castellani, Italy
                      Systems Biology and dynamics of ionizing radiation response by multiscale analysis of gene
                      expression measurements.                                                     
                      Pavel Kundrat, Germany
                      Modelling of intercellular induction of apoptosis in oncogenic transformed cells and radiation effects on the
10.45               Coffee-Break
11.15-13.30    Session XVI – Ongoing Research Initiatives and Open Questions
                      Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff, USA  
                      U.S. Department of Energy Low Dose Program
                      Mauro Belli, Italy
                      MELODI – the "Multidisciplinary European LOw Dose Initiative"
                      Ohtsura Niwa, Japan (to be confrmed)
                      Japan Low dose research initiative
                      Guenther Reitz, Germany
                      ICRP “Task Group 67” Report: Radiation Protection in Space
                      Andrea Ottolenghi, Italy
                      The risks of healthy tissues from the use of existing and emerging techniques for radiation
Panel Discussion :
Do non-targeted effects impact the relation between Microdosimetry and Risk?
Chair : Dudley T. Goodhead, UK
Discussants: (to be confirmed)
                        Symposium Closure
13.30               Lunch at the “Hotel San Marco”