Oct 25 – 30, 2009
Verona, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Call for Abstracts

Call for Abstracts
You are invited to submit abstracts on the topics characterizing the Symposium within August 18, 2009.
Authors should indicate their preference for either
  1. Oral presentation,
  1. Poster presentation  
The Micros2009 Scientific Secretariat will decide, on the basis of the submitted abstracts, which contributions are suitable for oral or poster presentation.
Authors will be notified about the outcome by August 26, 2009 and will receive instructions for the preparation of the manuscript to be submitted for publication on the Symposium Proceeding (a special issue of the peer-reviewed international journal “Radiation Protection and Dosimetry”; see, related button)
Method of submission: Authors are recommended to use the electronic Abstract Submission Form available at this Conference web site, under the button "Submit a new abstract".
Authors are asked to specify the presenting Author's name, affiliation, e-mail address, the preferred presentation format and classification track (within the main topics of the Symposium).
To submit an abstract the Author has to register as “INDICO user”.
INDICO is the event management software adopted by INFN.
Clicking on the Symposium webpage button “Submit a new abstract” you will be redirected to the INDICO registration page: if you are already an INDICO-INFN user you will be asked to insert your INDICO-INFN username and password; if not, you will be asked to register.
Abstracts should not exceed 1500 characters in text length.
In submitting abstracts, please insert:
Abstract Title
Enter the title of the abstract using CAPITAL LETTER.
Abstract Content
Text should not exceed 1500 characters.
Since electronic submission through the web does not allow a simple, straight-forward system to enter Greek symbols, superscripts or subscripts, authors are requested to avoid using them. Some symbols can be typed according to the hints contained in Greek and special symbols guidelines.
Presentation Type
Select “Poster” if you prefer to present a poster. Select “Oral” if you would be willing to make an oral presentation.
Primary Authors and Co-Authors
Please, enter the primary author(s) and all the co-authors and related affiliations. E-mail address for the primary author is mandatory. Indicate also the name of presenter.
Track Classification
Authors are invited to classify their abstracts by selecting one of the main Symposium topics.