Topical Workshop: Rethinking Naturalness

Aula Seminari (LNF, Alte Energie)

Aula Seminari

LNF, Alte Energie

Barbara Mele (ROMA1), Enrico Nardi (LNF), Gennaro Corcella (LNF), Giuseppe Degrassi (ROMA3)
Aim of the workshop:
We are all aware that the so-longed discovery of some kind of physics beyond the standard model that could be responsible for stabilizing the electroweak scale has so far escaped all experimental efforts (LHC Run 1, B-factories, EDM searches, etc.). As we know, the expectation that new physics should show up around the electroweak scale has been mainly motivated by naturalness arguments. Therefore, while all our community is eagerly awaiting the results of LHC Run 2, we believe that an unbiased scientific attitude should also reconsider issues related to the naturalness paradigm.
During this 3-day workshop, we plan to have only three or four talks each day, and plenty of time to discuss and reanalyze jointly issues like: the naturalness paradigm, its predictivity, its survival chances, possible alternatives and time scales for crucial tests.

Confirmed Speakers:

Alberto Casas                (IFT-UAM/CSIC, Madrid)
André de Gouvêa             (Northwestern U., USA)
Jose Ramon Espinosa     (IFAE & ICREA, Barcelona)
Manfred Lindner              (Heidelberg, Max Planck Institute)
Duccio Pappadopulo       (California U., Berkeley, USA)
Martti Raidal
                  (Tartu U.  &   NICPB, Tallinn)
Francesco Sannino         (Danish IAS, U. Southern Denmark)
Mikhail Shaposhnikov    (ITPP, Lausanne)
Alessandro Strumia        (Pisa U.  & NICPB, Tallinn)    

  • Alberto Casas
  • Alberto Salvio
  • Alessandro Strumia
  • Alexey Boyarsky
  • Andre de Gouvea
  • Andrea Addazi
  • Andrea Shindler
  • Annalisa De Lorenzis
  • Antonio Costantini
  • Ayan Paul
  • Ayse KUDAY
  • Barbara Mele
  • Carlo Marzo
  • Dario Buttazzo
  • Davide Meloni
  • Duccio Pappadopulo
  • Emidio Gabrielli
  • Enrico Nardi
  • francesco fucito
  • Francesco Sannino
  • Fulvia De Fazio
  • Gaetana Anamiati
  • Gennaro Corcella
  • Giancarlo Rossi
  • Gino Isidori
  • Giulia Pancheri
  • Giuseppe Bevilacqua
  • Giuseppe Degrassi
  • José Ramón Espinosa
  • Loredana Bellantuono
  • Lorenzo Pieri
  • Luca Di Luzio
  • Luigi Delle Rose
  • Manfred Lindner
  • Mario Greco
  • Martin Krauss
  • Martti Raidal
  • Mikhail Shaposhnikov
  • Oleg Ruchayskiy
  • Pier Paolo Giardino
  • Pietro Colangelo
  • Pietro Santorelli
  • Roberto Franceschini
  • Shehu AbdusSalam
  • Sofiane Boucenna
  • Stefano Bellucci
  • Stefano Di Vita
  • Stefano Risoli
  • Vincenzo Branchina
  • vittorio del duca
  • Yassen Stanev