May 24 – 30, 2015
Europe/Rome timezone
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Optical readout of a Triple-GEM detector with a CMOS sensor

May 27, 2015, 9:31 AM
Poster S7 - Gas detectors Gas Detectors - Poster Session


Davide Pinci (ROMA1)


In last years, the development of optical sensors has produced objects able to provide very interesting performance. Large granularity is offered along with a very high sensitivity. CMOS sensors with millions of pixels able to detect as few as two or three photons per pixel are commercially available and can be used to read-out the optical signals provided by tracking particle detectors. In this work the results obtained by optically reading-out a triple-GEM detector by a commercial CMOS sensor will be presented. A standard detector was assembled with a transparent window below the third GEM allowing the light to get out. The detector is supplied with an Ar/CF$_4$ based gas mixture producing 650 nm wavelenght photons matching the maximum quantum efficiency of the sensor (about 80\%). In the presentation the measured performance as light yield, space resolution and detection efficiency will be shown.

Primary author

Davide Pinci (ROMA1)


Adalberto Sciubba (ROMA1) Alessio Sarti (LNF) Eleuterio Spiriti (LNF) Dr Michela Marafini (Centro Fermi) Vincenzo Patera (ROMA1)

Presentation materials