May 24 – 30, 2015
Europe/Rome timezone
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Determination of the anode wire position in a straw of the new type using visible light

May 27, 2015, 9:24 AM
Poster S7 - Gas detectors Gas Detectors - Poster Session


Dr Levan Glonti (JINR)


Microscope investigations of new-type thin-wall tubes (straws) produced for NA62 drift chambers revealed that they are semitransparent and allow anode wires to be observed under illumination by visible light. Positions of wires in straws and thus the anode spacing in the drift chamber can be directly determined with a high accuracy (~10 µ) using a microscope mounted on a precision optical bench. These data are important for decreasing errors during reconstruction of charged particle track coordinates in the drift chambers. The proposed method is much simpler than the X-ray or radioactive source methods.

Primary author

Dr Levan Glonti (JINR)


Mr Alexander Kolesnikov (JINR) Dr Sergei Movchan (JINR) Mr Temur Enik (JINR) Mr Viacheslav Samsonov (JINR) Dr Yuriy Potrebenikov (JINR)

Presentation materials