May 24 – 30, 2015
Europe/Rome timezone
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Ultra-Sensitive γ-Ray Spectroscopy Set-Up for Investigating Primordial Lithium Problem.

May 29, 2015, 10:04 AM
Poster S8 - Detector Techniques for Cosmology, Astroparticle and General Physics Detector Techniques for Cosmology, Astroparticle and General Physics - Poster Session


Dr Gianpiero Gervino (Dipartimento di Fisica and INFN Torino)


To precisely determine BBN 6Li production, the cross section of the nuclear reaction $^2$H(α,γ)$^6$Li must be directly measured within the astrophysical energy range of 30-400 keV. Since the cross section is of the order of nanobarn, the expected counting rate is very low indeed, therefore this measurement requires an ultra-low γ-ray background in the experimental set-up. We have realized the conditions matching these very strict requirements at LUNA, the deep underground accelerator laboratory active in the INFN Gran Sasso National Laboratory (LNGS), Italy, exploiting 1400 m of rock as a powerful passive shield from cosmic ray. This leads to a reduction of the muon flux, the most penetrating component of the cosmic-rays, by a factor 106 compared to the surface. At LUNA is running an electrostatic continuous beam 400 kV accelerator that provides an α beam of 0.3 mA of average luminosity. The nuclear reactions are induced in a windowless differentially pumped gas target filled with up to 0.3 mbar high purity deuterium gas, with on-line feed back control of gas pressure. We present and discuss the γ-ray background reduction reached in the HPGe spectrometer.


for the LUNA Collaboration

Primary author

Dr Gianpiero Gervino (Dipartimento di Fisica and INFN Torino)


Dr Carlo Gustavino (INFN Sez. ROMA1)

Presentation materials