May 24 – 30, 2015
Europe/Rome timezone
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The rearch of aging test for the 20inch MCP-PMT

May 29, 2015, 10:05 AM
Poster S8 - Detector Techniques for Cosmology, Astroparticle and General Physics Detector Techniques for Cosmology, Astroparticle and General Physics - Poster Session


Prof. Dong Li (Institution: North Night Vision Technology Co.,Ltd Nanjing Branch)Prof. Shuguang Si (Institution: North Night Vision Technology Co.,Ltd Nanjing Branch)


Microchannel plate (MCP) adsorbed plenty of gases when it is produced. We had degased in the manufacture of MCP-PMT, but it isn't enough, it still affect the parameters of the MCP-PMT. We raerch the aging test of the MCP-PMT to stabilize the parameters of the MCP-PMT. Aging test condition and procedure :put the MCP-PMT in the Camera obscura and it continuous operated with the voltage of 2500V, we test the gain ``dark noise''. Single photoelectron spectrum peak-to-valley ratio(P/V) every day,after 6 days. We found that the gain decreased from 0.87E7 to 0.64E7,dark noise decreased from 35.8K/s to 14.2K/s, P/Vdecreased from 3.7 to 2.7, we continuous operate MCP-PMT more than 10 days, the parameters keep stabilization. We considered that the aging test is effective worked for the MCP-PMT parameters and when it was at aging test, the electrons can remove the gas adhere to the MCP. The aging test of 20inch MCP-PMT is the first attempt, it is good for us to rearch the MCP-PMT.

Primary author

Prof. Shuguang Si (Institution: North Night Vision Technology Co.,Ltd Nanjing Branch)


Prof. Dong Li (Institution: North Night Vision Technology Co.,Ltd Nanjing Branch)

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