Marcello Simonetta
The measurement system and characterization of more than 1000 SiPMs
intended to be used in the MEG high resolution timing counter is
After a brief a description of the aim of the MEG project and the
motivation of the reasons which led to the choice of the devices, the
hardware measurement system is described. SiPMs will be grouped by 12 to form a single pixel of the MEG timing counter. The deiveces used in a pixel must exhibit the most uniform behavior as possible to ensure a
proper time resolution. A particular C++ software algorithm has been used
to extrapolate the parameters usefull for the systematic characterization
of the devices, which must take into account their breakdown voltage, gain
and dark count noise, to allow a uniform positioning of each SiPM. This
software and its outputs are presented together with the ageing data
collected after more than 100 days of a SiPM light illumination. The
measurement system is intended for the characterization of more than 6000 devices.
Primary author
Marcello Simonetta