May 24 – 30, 2015
Europe/Rome timezone
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High granularity scintillating fiber trackers based on Silicon Photomultiplier

May 25, 2015, 4:22 PM
Poster S2 - Photon Detector and PID Photo Detectors and PID - Poster Session


Angela Papa (Paul Scherrer Institut)


Scintillating fibers coupled to photosensors provide flexible, fast and high granularity detectors which are able to work in a high rate environment. We will report about the performances obtained with several detector prototypes (single and multi-layers) based on 250 $\rm{\mu m}$ multi clad square scintillating fibers coupled to Hamamatsu SiPMs. Current measurements show results never reached up to now: very high detection efficiency for minimum ionizing particles already for a single layer ($\ge 95 \%$, mean collected light/fiber $\approx$ 8 phe), and full efficiency for multilayer configurations. Spatial resolutions $< 100 \; \mu m$ and $< 50 \; \mu m$ are foreseen for single layer and multilayer devices respectively. Such spatial resolutions can be achieved by keeping the optical cross-talk between fibers at a negligible level ($< 1 \%$), a level which we have proven to be obtainable when coating the fibers with aluminum. Finally, timing resolutions less than 500 ps have been achieved for m.i.p. double hit events (multilayer configuration). A comparison between the detector performances for m.i.p. and highly ionizing particle (stopped muons) will also be given, showing the possibility of particle identification based on the large difference of the energy deposit on the scintillator by the two particles.

Primary author

Angela Papa (Paul Scherrer Institut)


Emanuele Ripiccini (INFN sez. Roma) Giada Rutar (ETH Zurich and PSI)

Presentation materials