In this paper we report the results of a negative differential resistance behavior generated by the incident radiation as a function of wavelength and power intensity for a new photosensitive device consisting of MWCNTs grown at 700 °C on a silicon substrate realized by FBK. The junction presents rectifying properties with a 2.4 V threshold to the flow of reverse current, a strong photosensitivity to light radiation with a wavelength between 378 and 980 nm, a very broad plateau extended over a large range of drain voltage and good photoresponsivity linearity versus light intensity.
The most surprising effect is the observation of a remarkable photoinduced significant resonant tunneling-like current completely absent in dark conditions and which is absent in the substrate without CNTs. Therefore, resonant tunnel-like current is generated only under light radiation and it is function of the wavelength as well as of the power intensity.
These features, currently still under investigation, suggest a potential use of the device for optoelectronics applications.
PARIDE Experiment Collaboration