Castello di Tagliolo Monferrato

Castello di Tagliolo Monferrato

Piazza Pinelli 1, 15070 Tagliolo Monferrato, Italy
Stefano Camera (Università degli Studi di Torino & INFN Torino), Isabella Carucci (INAF OATs), Caroline Heneka (Universität Heidelberg), Elena Sellentin (Universiteit Leiden), Anže Slosar (Brookhaven National Laboratories), Jean-Luc Starck (CEA Saclay)
This is the third edition of the conference 'CASTLE - Cosmological and Astrophysical Synergies: Tactics for the Latest Era'.  The original CASTLE conference, held in 2018, adhered to the manifesto you can find below.  Six years and a global pandemic later, we're back on track to follow up on the same pressing questions, but with the fulfilment of some of the underlying promises: at optical/near-infrared wavelengths the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument published results from its first data release, whilst the Euclid satellite mission has started its wide survey; in the radio band, the SKA Observatory is currently under construction, with data from precursor/pathfinder experiments now being a reality.
In such exciting times, CASTLE 2024 wants to focus precisely on such developments.  We aim to gather researchers active in both communities to discuss what new observables, theoretical tools, and statistical methods can be used to extract cosmological information at best from the combined data sets.
The whole event will take place in the castle of the medieval village of Tagliolo Monferrato, located in High Montferrat, part of the UNESCO World-Heritage site 'Vineyard Landscape of Piedmont: Langhe-Roero and Monferrato'.  We plan to organise transports back and forth from Milan Malpensa airport.  Participants are expected to arrive on Tuesday, 17th Sept; the conference will then start on Wednesday and close on Friday, with departure straight after lunch.
CASTLE 2018 Manifesto
A new era for cosmology has come: in the very near future, a new generation of experiments will push our gaze at the Universe deeper than ever, carrying out observations across the whole electromagnetic spectrum - not to speak of the new 'ear' just opened by gravitational-wave astronomy.  Satellites, surveys and telescopes such as the SKA, Stage IV CMB experiments, Euclid, DESI, LSST, e-ROSITA, Athena+, e-ASTROGAM, CTA, and Advanced LIGO/VIRGO and LISA will soon provide us with data of unparalleled accuracy.  This represents a change of paradigm with respect to the way cosmological data has been collected and analysed so far.  In particular, this will open unprecedented opportunities best to exploit synergies among the most varied cosmological and astrophysical observables.  This is how CASTLE sees the light of day, as a chance to bring together scientists envisaging to exploit such new synergies, with an aim at planning the strategy for the new era.
The logo of CASTLE resembles a heraldic coat of arms. The field of the escutcheon (shield) is party per cross (divided into four quarters), each of them carrying a charge (image or symbol) exemplifying a type of instrument used to observe the cosmos. To represent the synergic effort that inspired CASTLE, counter-clockwise from top right we have: an antenna, for low-frequency radio observations; a dish, for other radio frequencies and microwaves; a telescope, for infrared to ultraviolet wavelenghts; and a satellite, for the X-ray and the gamma-ray energy bands.  The mural crown above the shield in fact reproduces the skyline of the village of Tagliolo, with the Castle's 30 m tall IXth century main tower at the centre, the gate and the parish curch bell tower.  Around the shield, two vine branches—epitomising the winemaking vocation of the area—and a banderole—displaying, instead the usual motto, the conference acronym—form the shape of a 'U', standing for 'Universe'.  The logo of CASTLE has been manifactured by Eleonora Casetta, an illustrator and graphic designer from Turin (Italy), whose husband happens to be Stefano Camera.
  • Benedict Bahr-Kalus
  • Bianca De Caro
  • Charlie Mpetha
  • Chiara Cecchini
  • Dionysios Karagiannis
  • Federico Montano
  • Francesco Pace
  • Giulia Campailla
  • Giulia Piccirilli
  • Jiakang Han
  • José Fonseca
  • Konstantinos Tanidis
  • Luigi Guzzo
  • Marco Raveri
  • Marta Spinelli
  • Matilde Barberi Squarotti
  • Matteo Martinelli
  • Nastassia Grimm
  • Pierluigi Monaco
  • Roberto Ingrao
  • Roberto Scaramella
  • Samantha Rossiter
  • Sveva Castello
  • Titouan Lazeyras
  • Vincenzo Fabrizio Cardone
  • +10
    • 16:00
    • 18:30
      Tour of the Castle cellars and wine tasting Cellars


      Castello di Tagliolo Monferrato

      Piazza Pinelli 1, 15070 Tagliolo Monferrato, Italy
    • 19:30
      Welcome reception & dinner Corte bassa & Cellars

      Corte bassa & Cellars

      Castello di Tagliolo Monferrato

      Piazza Pinelli 1, 15070 Tagliolo Monferrato, Italy
    • 1
      Welcome & opening remarks
      Speaker: Prof. Stefano Camera (Università degli Studi di Torino & INFN Torino)
    • 2
      State of the art of optical/near-infrared cosmological surveys

      Review talk(s)

      Speaker: Dr Davide Bianchi
    • 3
      Model-Independent Measurement of the Matter-Radiation Equality Scale from DESI and Tactics for Upcoming Surveys
      Speaker: Benedict Bahr-Kalus
    • 10:55
      Coffee Corte alta

      Corte alta

      Castello di Tagliolo Monferrato

      Piazza Pinelli 1, 15070 Tagliolo Monferrato, Italy
    • 4
      Future measurements of S8 parameter with tomographic cross-correlations between LSST and CMB experiments
      Speaker: Chandra Shekhar Saraf (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute)
    • 5
      Detecting Relativistic Doppler via Multi-tracing a Single Galaxy Population
      Speaker: Federico Montano (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
    • 12:15
      Lunch Sala Bigattiera (alta)

      Sala Bigattiera (alta)

      Castello di Tagliolo Monferrato

      Piazza Pinelli 1, 15070 Tagliolo Monferrato, Italy
    • 6
      State of the art of radio cosmological surveys

      Review talk(s)

      Speaker: Marta Spinelli
    • 7
      Cosmology with HI Intensity Mapping on Small Scales
      Speaker: Aishrila Mazumder (Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, University of Manchester)
    • 8
      Unveiling the HI auto-power spectrum with MeerKAT
      Speaker: Matilde Barberi Squarotti (Università degli Studi di Milano)
    • 15:20
      Coffee Corte alta

      Corte alta

      Castello di Tagliolo Monferrato

      Piazza Pinelli 1, 15070 Tagliolo Monferrato, Italy
    • 9
      Neutral Hydrogen stacking from MeerKLASS: challenges, results and prospects for SKA-Mid
      Speaker: Zhaoting Chen (University of Edinburgh)
    • 10
      Cross-correlating the Evolutionary Map of the Universe (EMU) Pilot Survey with CMB Lensing: Constraints on Cosmology and Galaxy Bias
      Speaker: Konstantinos Tanidis
    • 11
      Squeezing information from radio surveys to probe the primordial Universe
      Speaker: Dionisys Karagiannis
    • 12
      Fire talks
      Speakers: Roberto Scaramella (INAF - Osservatorio di Roma), Pierluigi Monaco (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare), Bianca De Caro
    • 18:05
      Free time
    • 19:30
      Dinner Corte Bassa

      Corte Bassa

      Castello di Tagliolo Monferrato

      Piazza Pinelli 1, 15070 Tagliolo Monferrato, Italy
    • 13
      State of the art of CMB surveys and complementary observables

      Review talk

      Speaker: Bin Hu (Beijing Normal University)
    • 14
      Cross-Correlation between CIB and Galaxy Clustering
      Speaker: Jiakang Han (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
    • 10:40
      Coffee Corte alta

      Corte alta

      Castello di Tagliolo Monferrato

      Piazza Pinelli 1, 15070 Tagliolo Monferrato, Italy
    • 15
      Constraining the Growth History and Quasar Bias Evolution at High-z with Quaia
      Speaker: Giulia Piccirilli (Università di Roma Tor Vergata)
    • 16
      Model-independent test of General Relativity through the combination of the Weyl potential and Galaxy Velocities
      Speaker: Nastassia Grimm (University of Geneva)
    • 17
      Testing gravity through the distortion of time
      Speaker: Sveva Castello (University of Geneva)
    • 12:25
      Lunch Sala Bigattiera (alta)

      Sala Bigattiera (alta)

      Castello di Tagliolo Monferrato

      Piazza Pinelli 1, 15070 Tagliolo Monferrato, Italy
    • 18
      Running primordial perturbations: prospects from future large-scale surveys
      Speaker: David Parkinson (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute)
    • 19
      Self-calibration of observational systematic effects
      Speaker: Roberto Ingrao (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
    • 20
      On cosmological clustering of Graviational Wave events
      Speaker: José Fonseca (Institute of Astrophysics and Space Sciences, U. Porto)
    • 21
      Assembly bias in the local PNG halo bias and its implication for fNL constraints
      Speaker: Titouan Lazeyras (University of Milano Bicocca)
    • 15:35
      Coffee Corte alta

      Corte alta

      Castello di Tagliolo Monferrato

      Piazza Pinelli 1, 15070 Tagliolo Monferrato, Italy
    • 22
      Importance of Relativistic Contributions to the Galaxy Bispectrum
      Speaker: Samantha Rossiter (Universita deglie studi di Torino)
    • 23
      Forecasting the sensitivity of pulsar timing arrays to scalar induced gravitational waves
      Speaker: Chiara Cecchini (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
    • 24
      Damping wings in the Lyman-alpha forest: a model-independent measurement of the neutral fraction at 5.4<z<6.1
      Speaker: Benedetta Spina (Heidelberg University)
    • 25
      The infall region as a complementary probe to cluster counts
      Speaker: Charlie Mpetha (University of Edinburgh)
    • 17:45
      Free time
    • 20:00
      Social dinner Secret Garden

      Secret Garden

      Castello di Tagliolo Monferrato

      Piazza Pinelli 1, 15070 Tagliolo Monferrato, Italy
    • 09:30
      Coffee break
    • 26
      Machine learning for cosmology: from consistency tests to simulation based inference
      Speaker: Matteo Martinelli (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
    • 27
      Machine Learning Identification of Strongly Lensed Gravitational Waves Events
      Speaker: Giulia Campailla (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
    • 28
      A Trifecta of Modelling Tools: Navigating COMPAS, Shark and Bayesian Inference for Binary Black Hole Model Selection
      Speaker: Liana Rauf (Australian National University)
    • 29
      Wrap-up discussion
      Speaker: Panel TBD
    • 12:20
      Lunch Sala Bigattiera (alta)

      Sala Bigattiera (alta)

      Castello di Tagliolo Monferrato

      Piazza Pinelli 1, 15070 Tagliolo Monferrato, Italy