Jun 5 – 9, 2023
Genova, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

The Delta resonance at different physical parameters

Jun 6, 2023, 5:45 PM
DAD - Room 5L (Genova, Italy)

DAD - Room 5L

Genova, Italy

Invited Light baryon spectroscopy Light baryon spectroscopy


Ferenc Pittler (Cyprus Institute)


In this presentation we would like to determine the properties of the lightest resonance in the baryonic sector of QCD: the Delta(1232) resonance. We determine the finite volume energy spectrum of $\pi-N$ system. Using Luescher formalism we can predict the mass and the width of the delta resonance. In our analysis we include ensembles with the same pion mass at different spatial volume ($L=2.7~and~3.7\mathrm{fm}$ and with the same spatial volume at different pion masses ($M_\pi=200,250\mathrm{Mev}$). In addition we show our first results at the physical pion mass.Having results from so many different parameters we are in a position to perform controlled chiral extrapolation of the delta resonance parameters.

Primary author

Ferenc Pittler (Cyprus Institute)

Presentation materials