Ferenc Pittler
(Cyprus Institute)
In this presentation we would like to determine the properties of the lightest resonance in the baryonic sector of QCD: the Delta(1232) resonance. We determine the finite volume energy spectrum of $\pi-N$ system. Using Luescher formalism we can predict the mass and the width of the delta resonance. In our analysis we include ensembles with the same pion mass at different spatial volume ($L=2.7~and~3.7\mathrm{fm}$ and with the same spatial volume at different pion masses ($M_\pi=200,250\mathrm{Mev}$). In addition we show our first results at the physical pion mass.Having results from so many different parameters we are in a position to perform controlled chiral extrapolation of the delta resonance parameters.
Primary author
Ferenc Pittler
(Cyprus Institute)