Jun 5 – 9, 2023
Genova, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Instructions for speakers

All sessions rooms are equipped with computers that will be used to project slides. The computers have Windows as operating system and have PowerPoint and Acrobat. Use of personal laptops is discouraged.

Speakers should upload their slides to Indico 24h before their talk. Slides will be downloaded from Indico on the local computer before the begiinning of the sessions.

To upload slides to Indico, speakers should:

  • login in Indico, clicking on the corresponding button on the top right of the conference website,
  • click on the "My Contributions" link that should have appeared in the menu on the left to view your scheduled talk(s),
  • click on the talk title to view detailed information,
  • click on the pencil symbol on the right of "Presentation materials" and upload your slides.

If you don't see "My contributions" in the main menu on the left or you don't see the pencil icon mentioned above, contact the conference support at hadron2023@ge.infn.it.