Jun 5 – 9, 2023
Genova, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone


https://agenda.infn.it/event/33110/HADRON2023 will be publishing peer-reviewed proceedings in a dedicated issue of Il Nuovo Cimento C, Colloquia and Communications in Physics

The deadline for the initial submission of your article is October 15, 2023, at 23:59 CET.

Instructions for Authors

  • Article should be at most 5 pages for parallel sessions presentations and at most 8 pages for plenary session presentations. This limit applies to the full article including references.
  • Each article must be submitted by a single person who shall represent all co-authors of the article.
  • Manuscript should be prepared according to the journal style guide.
  • When papers are ready, the source file (.tex), figure files (.eps), and compiled PDF should be submitted for peer-review via the Paper Peer Reviewing page of this website. A notification will be sent when the result of the peer-review will be availble.
  • Please print the copyright form, fill it out, and sign it. A scanned copy of the form with your signature will be requested by the journal, during the editorial process that will follow the peer-review.

Paper Submission

To upload your contributions to the proceedings please login on the HADRON2023 Indico, then navigate to Paper Peer Reviewing, select the relevant contribution, and submit using "Submit Paper". Please include all source files (*.tex), figure files (*.eps), and the compiled PDF file.

Please contact hadron2023@ge.infn.it for any questions or comments about the publication procedures.


  • October 15, 2023, 23:59 CET
