5–9 Jun 2023
Genova, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Recent Hypernuclei Measurements from the STAR Experiment

8 Jun 2023, 14:28
DAD - Room 1A (Genova, Italy)

DAD - Room 1A

Genova, Italy

Invited Hypernuclei and kaonic atoms Hypernuclei and kaonic atoms


Prof. Iouri Vassiliev


Hypernuclei, bound 1 states of hyperons and nucleons, have been suggested to be sensitive probes to the medium properties of the nuclear matter created in heavy-ion collisions. Measurements on the intrinsic properties of hypernuclei, such as their lifetimes and binding energies, can also give constraints to the hyperon-nucleon interaction, which is an essential ingredient in the equation-of-state of high baryon density matter.

In this presentation, recent results on the intrinsic properties of light hypernuclei ($^3_\Lambda$H, $^4_\Lambda$H, and $^4_\Lambda$He), as well as their production yields in heavy-ion collisions will be discussed. These results are compared with model calculations, and the physics implications will be discussed.

Primary authors

Prof. Iouri Vassiliev Sevil Salur (for the STAR Collaboration)

Presentation materials