5–9 Jun 2023
Genova, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

$\Xi$-hypernuclei spectroscopy with the S-2S spectrometer

7 Jun 2023, 14:00
DAD - Room 1A (Genova, Italy)

DAD - Room 1A

Genova, Italy

Invited Hypernuclei and kaonic atoms Hypernuclei and kaonic atoms


Prof. Tomofumi Nagae (Kyoto University)


We are going to complete the construction of the S-2S spectrometer at the K1.8 beam line in J-PARC hadron hall, in May, 2023. The S-2S spectrometer is composed of "QQD" magnets to measure the missing-mass spectrum of $^{12}$C$(K^-,K^+)^{12}_{\Xi}$Be reaction with a good energy resolution of 2 MeV(FWHM), which is so far the best energy resolution applied for the reaction. The existence of $\Xi$-hypernuclei is recently confirmed in several emulsion events, and attraction between $\Xi^-$ and $p$ is demonstrated in LHC-ALICE femtoscopy studies. However, better resolution and statistics data on the $\Xi$-hypernuclei are needed to pin down both real and imaginary parts of the $\Xi{N}$ potentials. In this talk, perspectives of the S-2S experimental programs will be also discussed.

Primary author

Prof. Tomofumi Nagae (Kyoto University)

Presentation materials