In this work, we study the charm and bottom lowest-lying
${\frac{1}{2}}^-$ and ${\frac{3}{2}}^-$ $\Lambda_{Q}$ resonances
using a model which considers the interplay between the nearest
baryon-meson and bare constituent quark model (CQM) degrees of
freedom. For the former ones, we only consider the scattering of
pions off $\Sigma_Q^{(*)}$ baryons. In addition, we constrain the
couplings between CQM and meson-baryon states using HQSS.
We show that the $\Lambda(1405)$ chiral two-pole pattern does not
have analog in the $\frac12^-$ charmed and bottom sectors, because
i) the $ND^{(*)}$ and $N\bar B^{(*)} $ channels do not play for
heavy quarks the decisive role that the $N \bar K$ does in the
strange sector, and ii) because the notable influence of the bare
CQM states for the charm and bottom resonances. Moreover, we will
also discuss the great importance of taking into account the chiral
$\pi \Sigma_{c,b}^{(*)}$ channels and their interplay with the CQM
degrees of freedom.