5–9 Jun 2023
Genova, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Effective Field Theories for hadron spectroscopy

6 Jun 2023, 11:00
San Salvatore Auditorium (Genova, Italy)

San Salvatore Auditorium

Genova, Italy

Plenary Plenary


Raquel Molina Peralta (UV-IFIC)


In this talk I will review some of the recent advances that Effective Field Theories had done in hadron spectroscopy regarding exotic states. The hidden gauge formalism has been able to predict
several exotic states, like the pentaquarks, and flavour exotic states, as doubly charmed states and the recently observed $T_{cs}(2900)$. Some of these states are been also searched for in latticeQCD. There are also predictions of exotic candidates in the bottom sector. The number of exotic hadrons is growing rapidly in the recent years. However, there is not yet consensus whether the recently observed states are molecular or compact states, and there is a lack of a general framework. The investigation of the decay modes and the determination of the scattering parameters are essential tools. I will review some of the tools developed recently to get further insight in the hadron structure of exotic hadrons.

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