INFN School of Statistics 2022

Hotel Ariston, Paestum

Hotel Ariston, Paestum


The INFN School of Statistics intends to provide an overview of statistical methods and tools used in particle, astro-particle and nuclear physics.
This School is targeted towards physicists interested in data analysis ranging from PhD students to senior physicists willing to extend their knowledge and skills in the field of statistical methods. The School takes place in Paestum (Salerno, Italy) from 15th to 20th of May 2022.
Lectures are subdivided into five sections: the first section will be an introduction to probability theory, including fundamental definitions of frequentist and Bayesian approaches to probability. The second section is devoted to statistical methods, including parameter estimates, maximum likelihood and chi-squared methods. The third section will provide an overview of statistical methods adopted to define confidence intervals and upper limits. The fourth section will cover multivariate techniques, including artificial neural networks and boosted decision trees. Finally, the fifth section will present the state-of-the-art software tools used for statistical evaluations with interactive exercises.

For further information, please contact

A valid COVID-19 green pass will be mandatory for all participation in this school.

Previous editions:


University 'Federico II', NaplesINFN Sezione di NapoliThis school is co-funded by INFN, INFN - Sezione di Napoli, University "Federico II", Naples, and by the Department of Physics of University "Federico II", Naples.


  • Alberto Gianvecchio
  • Alberto Mecca
  • Alessandro Balbino
  • Alessandro Tarabini
  • Alessio Mei
  • Alexander Bismark
  • Alice Leoncini
  • Andrea Barresi
  • Andrea Nava
  • Andrea Parenti
  • Andrea Piccinelli
  • Andrea Villa
  • Angelica De Gregorio
  • Antimo Cagnotta
  • Antonio Giulio Coretti
  • Antonio Trigilio
  • Anushree Ghosh
  • Apeksha Singhal
  • Atul Prajapati
  • Aurora Langella
  • Barbara Passalacqua
  • Beatrice Jelmini
  • Carlo Pepe
  • Cecilia Ferrari
  • Chiara Aimè
  • Chiara De Martin
  • Chiara Lucarelli
  • Christina Dimitriadi
  • Claudia Caterina Delogu
  • Cristiano Tarricone
  • Cristina Ripoli
  • Daniele Centanni
  • Danilo Labranca
  • David José Gaspar Marques
  • Davide Fiorina
  • Davide Giordano
  • Diego Baron
  • Diego Fernández del Val
  • Donato Romano
  • Elena Fogazzi
  • Elena Pompa Pacchi
  • Elisabetta Giulia Parozzi
  • Elisabetta Medina
  • Elizabeth Sarah Long
  • Emanuela Celi
  • Emanuele Maria Data
  • Enrico Tarabini
  • Ettore Marcello Mafucci
  • Faiza Khalid
  • Federica Riti
  • Federica Zanone
  • Federico Bellisardi
  • Federico Morodei
  • Flaminia Di Giambattista
  • Florian Aubin
  • Francesco Carnevali
  • Francesco Faldi
  • Gabriele Martelli
  • Gabriella Chiarini
  • Gaia Franciosini
  • Giacomo Alocco
  • Giacomo Levrini
  • Gianluca Bianco
  • Giovanni Costantini
  • Giovanni Gaudino
  • Giovanni Padovano
  • Giulia Sorrentino
  • Giulio Umoret
  • Graziella Russo
  • Jan Klamka
  • Jessica Delgado
  • Julia Vazquez Escobar
  • Justin Skorupa
  • Krzysztof Mekala
  • Laura Buonincontri
  • Leandro Silveri
  • Leonardo Vannoli
  • Lisa Fantini
  • Livia Terlizzi
  • Lorenzo Pica
  • Lorenzo Santi
  • Luca Origo
  • Luca Pelicci
  • Luca Quaglia
  • Luis Diego Bonavena
  • Luis Mora
  • Luka Lambrecht
  • Manuel Sommerhalder
  • Marco Dall'Amico
  • Marco Scodeggio
  • Marco Spreafico
  • Maria Adriana Sabia
  • Maria Assiduo
  • Maria Carnesale
  • Mariam Rifai
  • Mario Ciacco
  • Marta Urioni
  • Massimiliano Galli
  • Matteo Cataldo
  • Matteo Magherini
  • Mattia Campana
  • Michele Morella
  • Michele Mormile
  • Michele Pennisi
  • Mohammed Abujami
  • Moritz Cornelius Vollbrecht
  • Neha Chug
  • Nico Kleijne
  • Niels Van den Bossche
  • Nikhil Mohan
  • Olga Sunneborn Gudnadottir
  • Pierfrancesco Novielli
  • Pietro Bisio
  • Rabia Shaheen
  • Raffaella Tramontano
  • Riccardo Rossini
  • Roberto Ribatti
  • Samantha Rossiter
  • Sara Pucillo
  • Shinichi Okamura
  • Silvia Auricchio
  • Silvia Motta
  • Simone Calzaferri
  • Simone Quitadamo
  • Simone Rossi Tisbeni
  • Simone Vallarino
  • Sofia Strazzi
  • Stefano Ghislandi
  • Stefano Migliorati
  • Stefano Politano
  • Valeria D'Amante
  • Viacheslav Duk
  • Vincenzo Mastrapasqua