Use of the JACoW templates is mandatory and always download the latest template (Word - LaTex) before starting, even if you have them already.
Ensure that the template you download corresponds to the version of software you are using. Do NOT convert documents across different platforms, MAC < > PC, or across different versions of Microsoft Word on the same platform. Always use the styles contained in the templates. The styles will automatically ensure correct typesetting and layout, and ensure you are not called to fix these problems again.
Citations of JACoW publications
To get citations of JACoW publications correctly formatted every time, use the JACoW search and citation export tool for accelerator conference proceedings. Use this tool for all JACoW conference related citations.
Citations of Non–JACoW publications
It is crucial that all bibliographical references are written clearly and consistently across all the conference proceedings so that your papers and that of your colleagues can be easily found. Always use the EXACT formatting of references and citations in the templates and use JACoW search and citation export. More examples and details can be found in the Annex B of the full template or on the JACoW website.
- All bibliographical and web references should be numbered and listed at the end of the paper in a section called “References.”
- When citing a reference in the text, place the corresponding reference number in square brackets, e.g., [3].
- A URL may be included as part of a reference, but the hyperlink must be removed (In Word use ctrl+k to remove).
Basic Accelerator Conference Citation Formatting
Presented at (eeFACT22) “this workshop”
[1] A. Author, et al., “Paper Title”, presented at the 65th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High Luminosity Circular e+e- Colliders (eeFACT22), Frascati (RM), Italy, Sept. 2022, paper XXXXXX, this workshop.
Note: “et al.” used for 6 or more Authors.
Published (IPAC’21) papers;
[1] A. Author and Co. Author, “Paper Title”, in Proc. 12th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC’21), Campinas, SP, Brazil, May. 2021, pp. nnn-nnn. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2018-XXXXXX
Where XXXXXX denotes the paper ID, e.g. MOPML055.
Length on Contributions
Papers may be from 3 to max 10 pages long. If contributions contain numerous references, these may be carried over to an extra page.