Oct 24 – 26, 2022
Napoli, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Calculation of Absorbed Dose Coefficients for Internal Ex Vivo Irradiation of Lymphocytes Using GATE and Geant4-DNA

Oct 25, 2022, 12:23 PM
Centro Congressi “Federico II”, (Napoli, Italy)

Centro Congressi “Federico II”,

Napoli, Italy

Via Partenope 36, Napoli, Italy


Dr Maikol Salas Ramirez (Department of Nuclear medicine, University of Wuerzburg)
Topic Radiobiology including Geant4-DNA

Primary author

Dr Maikol Salas Ramirez (Department of Nuclear medicine, University of Wuerzburg)


Dr Lydia Maigne (Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire, CNRS/IN2P3, Université Blaise Pascal) Prof. Michael Lassmann (1Department of Nuclear Medicine, University of Wuerzburg) Dr Uta Eberlein (1Department of Nuclear Medicine, University of Wuerrzburg)

Presentation materials