24–26 Oct 2022
Napoli, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Developers and users of Monte Carlo techniques applied to Medicine in the clinic, industry and academy, are invited to participate to the Fourth Geant4 International User Conference 2022 for presenting, discussing and exchanging information on the scientific and technical innovations in application areas including medical radiation sources, radiation therapy treatment planning in conventional and in particle therapy, brachytherapy, radiation dosimetry, radiation shielding, radiation imaging, nuclear medicine and radiobiology. Connections with technology of inverse optimization, deformable image registration, machine learning techniques, parallel and GPU computing, are also topics of interest.



  • Imaging
  • Radiotherapy treatments
  • Protontherapy
  • Hadrontherapy
  • Radiobiology, including Geant4-DNA
  • Radiation Protection
  • Detector development
  • Computing


Napoli, Italy
Centro Congressi “Federico II”,
Via Partenope 36, Napoli, Italy

Visa information

To find out whether, depending on your citizenship, country of long-term residence and the duration and reasons for your stay, you need a visa to enter Italy, see the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs website at  www.esteri.it/visti/index_eng.asp  or check with your local Italian Embassy or other diplomatic representative before you travel. The rules change regularly, so you should check you have the most up to date information for your trip.

Application for this event is currently open.